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Messages - rsh_mitel

Pages: [1]
Thank you for your advice

Looks like disabling SIP ALG on Verizon FIOS routers is off the table for most users

On my server settings I have SIP set to use all 3 protocols, UDP, TCL and TCP/TLS. Are you aware of a way to force MiCollab app to use TCP/TLS only?

I have a rally tricky issue
MiCollab on IOS, v 9.3.111
it works fine on some WiFi networks but goes into registration fail loop on other
Can't seem to find any difference between those wifis, some of them are out of the box verizon FIOS so can't be that different.
My integration vendor is having hard time figuring this one out despite diags sent many times over
Anything you could suggest me to try?
Factory reset, SIP pwd change was done many times over already


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