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Messages - mle724

Pages: [1]
Sorry it took me so long to get back to this.  Mitel and the phone vendor finally got the problem corrected.  They had a routing config error in one of the switches on one end.  They didn't provide me any detail on the exact fix, just that it had been fixed.

I forgot to answer the other part of your question.

On the 5330s and 5340s, we are using visual call history, and visual voicemail.  All other buttons are for basic things like Call park, Park pickup, record a call, speed dials, DND, etc.

Nothing special on the 5212s.


When reported by the initiator, they say it usually happens when the recipient answers.  When reported by the recipient, they always say it happens when answering an incoming call.  Never happens with an idle phone.  After the reboot, the phones work fine.

here is what we found in the error log in one location:
Log Type:        Software
Log Number:        1172
Severity:        Warning
Date:        2008/Dec/10
Time:        15:10:40
Source:        Call Control - Software
Description:        call ann. buffer audit recovered buffer 170 owned by non-existent process hex 741E
Module:        Main
File Name and Line Number:        log_outputs_util_en.c;1595

This is from the log file in the other location:

Log Type:        Software
Log Number:        590
Severity:        Warning
Date:        2008/Dec/10
Time:        15:10:20
Source:        CCC_Ipsw
Description:        CompleteFsmRequest: MID:8f787119 CID: 7786e04 PCC[ 0x7786E04 ]: Tx[ IP_TRUNK, PortId:4003, CompId:2, DN:IPTrk ] Rx[ IP_PHONE, PortId=1379, CompId=1, DN:102 ] completed in [ 10060 ] msec in state [ RX_CLOSED ] with a failure [ FSM_RX_CLOSE_TIMEDOUT ]
Module:        Main
File Name and Line Number:        IPSwSP_fsm.cpp;5176

The first one was the initiator, the second was the recipient.  When that fatal exception error shows on the display, a countdown starts from 18 to 0, then the phone reboots. 

The two locations are connected via a Point-to-point T1 circuit.  Each location has its own ICP. Each location is on a different subnet.  It doesn't happen to everyone, just a small select group of users.  I've tried replacing several of the phones in the past few days, and am waiting to see if it occurs again at those desk locations.

I have 5 different locations with the Mitel 3300 ICP and 5000 series phones.  In two of the locations, I have about a dozen phones combined that get a Fatal Exception Error on the display and then reboot.  It has happened on 5212, 5330 and 5340 model phones.  It usually happens when calls are placed between the two locations across our network.  On some occasions, it will happen to the call initiator and the recipient at the same time.  But only with these two locations.  I've seen it happen once on an inbound call.

Service Provider and Mitel have not been able to resolve it thus far.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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