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Messages - smervin

Pages: [1]
Mitel Software Applications / Re: Micollab / Nupoint Schedule
« on: November 19, 2021, 08:42:50 AM »
ooooh, that's the idea I was looking for.

I think that will work, the off hours of a schedule, just leads to another schedule with another nested off hours. and the last week goes back to the first. I think i can make that work. Just have to change the month in the dates once a month.

I'll give it a shot and see if it works, but I think it will.

Thank you.

Mitel Software Applications / Micollab / Nupoint Schedule
« on: November 18, 2021, 02:28:08 PM »
I have a feeling there might be a fancy way of doing this I am overthinking.

In call director - call flow - we have a number that on hours ring the desk, off hours ring an on call number.

The set schedule can be done per day of the week, and holiday entries, but anyway that we can set it so that it follows a forward location for entire week and rotates through 5 different numbers.

So week 1 would go to person A, Week 2 go to person B, week 3 person C, Week 4 person D, week 5, person E, then week 6 go back to Person A on week 1?

Mitel Software Applications / Change nupoint Mailbox is full e-mail
« on: August 26, 2021, 08:52:36 AM »
The person who set up our system is gone. From what I can tell we have micollab 8.1 and nupoint

When a user doesn't delete their voicemails it kicks out an e-mail to them that says

"Your mailbox is nearly full.
Please discard any unnecessary messages.

Please discard voice messages by calling into your voice mailbox or using the below link."

Problem is... people think its phishing because they don't understand its their voicemail box, and the link that is provided doesn't actually work to go to anything.

Where do I go to personalize this message so that I can say something more along the lines of

"Your desk phone's voicemail box is nearly full. Please delete old and unneeded voicemails from your desk phone or contact IT for assistance"

Been digging around and cannot find it.

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