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Messages - Joe88

Pages: [1]
I was on the phone with a Mitel dealer today. He said that the expansion license would replace the user licenses and include up to 400 users. He also confirmed with the VOIP license that the EIP-8 includes 32 licenses. Maybe this info helps another user or if this is not correct I am open for a correction.

Hello all,
I have recently owned a Mitel 470 and would like to eventually use it. Since the whole thing is private, I have no external service or support. That's why I was looking for a forum and ended up here. I hope this is okay and you can help me. Briefly about me: Electrician, about 30, technically versed, maintain an Auerswald and a Unify OS4k system and am new to Mitel.
The system is running so far, test clients already work, SIP Trunk also works. The system runs on 4.1, SWA has expired. To the actual question:
I have no user licenses, but can still set up users and phones that work, why then the licenses? "Mitel 470 Expansion" is enable, does it have anything to do with that?
Also, I only have the 2 standard VOIP licenses but also an EIP8 card installed, so will up to 32 VOIP channels work without additional voip licenses?

Thanks a lot.

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