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Messages - aesd_MikeA

Pages: [1]
Mitel Software Applications / Virtual Server Applications
« on: June 23, 2021, 06:09:44 PM »

I'm trying to get confirmation on what may seem to be a silly question, but I'm not a Mitel (or even VoIP) expert. Normally I'd ask my organization's Mitel partner, but I feel that they may have been giving us the runaround as of late...

We're currently hosting MiVoice Border Gateway, MiVoice Business, and MiCollab on an in house MS Hyper-V server. Some documentation that was recently passed to me seems to suggest that there is a specific version of each one of these that is specifically meant for virtual environments. For example, the document (called Mitel Virtual Appliance Deployment) specifically mentions "MiVoice Business Virtual" instead of just "MiVoice Business." Are there in fact different versions of these programs meant specifically for virtualized environments, and if so, how would I be able to determine if a given server is running the virtual vs. non-virtual version? Assuming I have admin credentials, which I do.

Just for some context: Each VM that is running a Mitel server component is provisioned well over the recommended specifications we were given. Despite the raw power being available, we're still having performance issues and system wide crashed. While we're examining many factors, I want to eliminate the possibility that incorrect software was installed on our hypervisors.

Thank you for your time!

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