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Messages - becax17

Pages: [1]
Hello! I've gone back and forth with Mitel support about this a couple of times, but I was hoping someone had some ideas.

We are in the process of upgrading to the new MiCollab 9 software, and on our test machines we are noticing an issue with an Outlook pop up that comes up on machine startup (with MiCollab set to open on startup as well) saying "another program is trying to access your email" where you can click Allow or Deny. Problem is, if you click Allow, all it does is pop the same box back up over and over (and over). After about 1-2 minutes it will go away after a final Allow click, but this entire time, Outlook is unusable.

We were sent over a fix to manually install the Mitel certificates into the Trusted Publishers store, but that doesn't work. The only "fix" is to disable Personal Contacts in MiCollab itself, which means no one can use their Outlook contacts within the program. We have also tried playing around with our antivirus software, but that hasn't seemed to help.

Has anyone had luck getting this pop up to stop coming up? End goal is to roll this out to around 160 machines in our environment, so we need some sort of fix.

Thanks in advance.

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