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Messages - mrchips

Pages: [1]
That's interesting: we don't get the incoming call at all on the cell phone (although it does ring the desk phone at the same time). Presumably this is to do with how our system is configured.

To answer the original question, this is the reply I received from our Mitel support guys:

I just confirmed with Mitel support that this is still a known limitation with the iPhone IOS and they do not have a workaround to prevent this from happening.
The Apple IOS wants to conserve power consumption and purposely puts the apps that are idle for a period of time in the background as well as sever the connection to the Mobility router.   

It looks like they (Mitel) could tweak the iOS app: I think there's a tool called Pushkit which is the Apple-preferred way of keeping VOIP apps active:

I guess they just don't think it is worth the effort involved to program/implement it

We're using MiVoice Connect (Premises) with the Mobility router.

I'm not experiencing normal behaviour then: if the app is open in the foreground everything works as expected. If I navigate away from the the app briefly it will still be online (status 'Available') and still receive calls.

However, after an undetermined length of time, the app will then go to sleep (status 'Offline') and stop receiving calls. I think I'll open a support ticket with our Mitel team


Nobody else experiencing this then??

Am I missing something or does the Mitel Connect iOS app have to be open and running in the foreground to receive calls??

Minimise it, or switch to another app, and after a short while it seems that Connect iOS goes offline and won't receive calls. When I open the app again it reconnects and my presence updates from 'Offline' to 'Available'.

Have been through the options (both in the app itself and iOS) but can only see the 'Keep Wi-Fi Connected' option in the app: obviously this is enabled.

Surely this can't be normal operating behaviour?   

SIP On Mitel / Re: Caller ID passthrough from analogue lines
« on: April 01, 2021, 08:46:11 AM »
Many thanks for the quick response dilkie

SIP On Mitel / Caller ID passthrough from analogue lines
« on: April 01, 2021, 07:18:30 AM »
Hi, a newbie here.

We've 3x analogue voice lines hooked up to a ShoreGear 50 switch running Mitel.
Caller ID isn't getting passed through from the analogue lines.

Our Mitel support team are telling me that it's not possible to have CID passed through from an incoming call on an analogue line. Therefore if I miss a call on Mitel Connect and it diverts to my cellphone it will only ever be able to show the incoming CID as the main company analogue trunk number.

They're telling me the only way to get CID passing through correctly is to upgrade the voice trunks to PRI/SIPs.

Is this correct? Or is it they just can't be bothered to try and make it work?   

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