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Messages - hutchs

Pages: [1]
Mitel Software Applications / UCSERVER Error - CALSTATUS_CalstatusError
« on: January 28, 2021, 06:53:26 AM »
Our ucserver has started sendoing out error emails and the corresponding data is found on the status screen on the server. I think it is something to do with the SSL certificate as this was replaced at around the time the errors started.

Application - MiCollab Client Service
Event Type - CALSTATUS_CalstatusError
Severity - Indeterminate
Description - Calstatus Error No route to host - The server is not reachable. Please check your network configuration settings.: Calstatus: hpcplc(07d37e3a-1dd2-11b2-bc ... FOR MORE DETAILS, SEARCH cim.log FOR CIMAlarmRef10010

Everything seems to be working, but getting these emails every 15 minutes or so and 4 at a time.
Have rebooted both the switch and the ucserver, re uploaded the SSL certificate which was also replaced on all our other systems that needed it so I know that it's OK.

I cannot find anthing on the net that points mw in the right direction.

Pages: [1]