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Messages - Slim

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MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Unable to default database.
« on: March 03, 2021, 06:50:48 PM »
I would say it’s turned off. Typically it is used by Mitel support though. The only time I ever used it was when I needed Mitel to get into the system to assist. It’s disabled in DB programming under “Maintenance Accounts”. I can’t recall the default password to it, but if it’s enabled, the system can be logged into with the username “support”. I tried looking for the default password to it but haven’t come up with anything. I’m sorry, it probably is disabled still, but it’s worth a shot if anyone can tell us what that default pw is. Tomorrow, if you haven’t gotten a solution yet, I will enable it in one of my systems and see what the default pw is.

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MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Unable to default database.
« on: March 03, 2021, 04:21:12 PM »
Any chance (long shot) that the support account was enabled? Maybe you can login with that?

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MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / DECT 112 off site
« on: March 03, 2021, 04:18:31 PM »
Had a colleague reach out to me with an issue I’ve not encountered myself. I will gather more info from him as soon as I can so I apologize for the lack of details. He was getting another call before I could get all the details from him. He’s installing a brand new MiVo 250. He has an offsite DECT 112. He’s been able so far to register the handset to the base unit and has that registered with the controller. He can dial any extension internally with the 112, but cannot call it from any other on site extension. I’m not 100% on this, but I believe he is getting invalid extension from the other extensions when he tries to dial the DECT 112. There seem to be no issues with audio either direction when he calls another extension from the DECT. I tried a search and couldn’t come up with much. I know this is vague and I apologize. I will get more info from him but curious if this is something easy anyone has encountered. Thanks.

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MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: No VLAN available
« on: February 01, 2021, 08:43:32 PM »
Hey guys thanks for all the replies. And thanks for the tip about the TW method! That’s definitely an avenue I hadn’t considered in this situation. I’m in the middle of a very small project with the IT department now. They have a small off network location that needs TW phones and I’m having a terrible time getting them to forward the appropriate ports for me. They’ve gone back to their own table to “discuss options” since it has yet to work. I know the issue isn’t on the Mitel level as I’ve been setting these teleworkers up like crazy lately for all the work @ home users. In fact the Mitel was the second option for them to use teleworkers for this location. (One site still has a different brand). They were unable to get that to work so decided to try using some TW’s from the Mitel. It’s completely unrelated to the situation so I apologize for the added mess. Just trying to lay out what I’m dealing with here. Am I just venting at this point?

@AceJavelin, YES. This has definitely already become a big issue and it is causing a lot of finger pointing in front of the end user. I try not to engage in that. Calls dropping, lost audio one way, both ways at times. The IT department always goes in and moves the port my phone is in to a new switch. Unfortunately, my networking knowledge is very limited. But, it’s very clear there are issues that I don’t get out of systems that are of the same size with different IT groups.

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MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: No VLAN available
« on: January 27, 2021, 08:27:31 AM »
lol thanks for the advice, TE. I’d say that’s the way things will be going with this customer until further notice. Unfortunately, it makes no difference to me in terms of pay. That all goes to the company I work for. The idea is more of a convenience thing for me and a more speedy install to get the job off my company’s books.

I’m going to try to go the DHCP option route again, but I’m not holding my breath. To add some perspective, last week I went to one of their remote sites for the third time to prove to IT that they do NOT have a static IP from their ISP at that location. The same question is asked each time: “how do you know it’s not static? That’s what we’re paying for.”  My answer: “I don’t know, I guess since it’s a new IP address every day?”

I don’t mean to be harsh at all, because I’m not the sharpest by any means on the network side of things. I know what I know simply by what I encounter with the phone system installs. But this isn’t the end user I’m talking about - it’s the IT department for them. They’ve reminded me on each new system, they can’t do VLANs because they’ve never had to. I feel like in their line of work, that should be a common necessity. Not to go back to the VLAN thing - just giving some perspective. Anyway, thanks for your time and advice! I’m sure I’ll have more questions now that I’m on here.

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MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: No VLAN available
« on: January 26, 2021, 09:11:48 AM »

Thanks for the quick reply! I will definitely address this with them again. I did request DHCP options once before. I believe it was on the second install and I wasn't able to get anywhere with them. Enough time has passed now maybe they will reconsider. Thank you!

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / No VLAN available
« on: January 26, 2021, 08:45:05 AM »
TLDR at the bottom.

Hello, everyone.

First post here. I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction or give some advice. I've tried searching to no avail so please, if this has been covered, can someone share a link?

I have a customer with several locations. Currently, I have 5 of their locations. Each one has a MiVo 250. They are networked together via their network. It's a government account. The smallest system has around 30 phones. 1 of them has around 150 and 1 of them around 120 phones. Each location is a mix of 5330's and 5304's. The majority are 5304's. Unfortunately, I have nothing at all to do with their network, just the phone systems. The plan is to add 10 more locations, each of which will be closer to 100+ phones. I am dealing with the customer's IT group on a county level, but they have most of their network handled at the state government level. They will not provide me a VLAN. They made that very clear about 3 years ago on the first install and have stuck to that ever since. I'm not sure why they have such a large level and refuse to implement VLANs, but they do. At least, they won't provide one for the phones. They will not allow me to bring in switches to separate the phones completely. Everything must be on their network with the switches they have in place.

The issue I have (small issue, but annoying) is having to static each phone individually with so many phones being installed. Some phones are converged, most are on their own network cable, but they all go to the same switches. The county has told me going forward with each location, they are having a separate cable ran for each phone so they are separate. (Whatever that means. They go to the same switch and they refuse to provide a VLAN, so I have NO idea what their definition of separate really is.)

Is there any good way to go about my installs going forward without individually inputting the controller IP to the phones?  Maybe I'm thinking of this the wrong way! These are just basic MiVo 250's with no other equipment or servers that I can use. The oldest system is on

TLDR:     Customer has 15 locations that will eventually all use MiVo 250's. Currently 5 locations are installed and networked together. Customer refuses to provide VLANs for phones. The only equipment I have on site are the controllers themselves. No DHCP servers, etc. that I can access myself. Oldest system is Hoping I can do something other than static each phone individually for the next 10 locations. Most future locations will be approximately 75 phones (5330's & 5304's) some will be 100+.

If I haven't provided enough information, please let me know! THANKS!!!

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