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Messages - tpalenit

Pages: [1]
When you say emergency all-call what happens? Is this a page over the phones?

It dials into our paging system. Then from there it can enter codes to page specific areas.

So if you were to hit the normal page button which just dials the paging system and then enter the code, no echo.

When having the speed dial or have also tested with system speed dial adding pauses, that dials both the paging system and the code then you get the echo. Have tried multiple areas using system speed dials and all echo when entering both the paging system and the code with the same speed dial.

We are currently experiencing an issue where when we do our emergency all call the person talking will hear their voice coming from the phone. This only happens however when using the pushed out user speed dial key with the number. If you dial the number manually you do not get this echo. Unsure of what could cause that.

The phones we user are 5320e and 5340es. And the version of our mivoice business is Has anybody dealt with an issue like this where it seems to be related to the manually pushed out key.

Mitel Software Applications / MiCollab Server Losing Distribution
« on: January 14, 2021, 08:32:15 AM »
Good morning all,

I am a new user for MiCollab and we have been having an issue the past two weeks. Have come in and received tickets that we were not getting and calls from outside. We could call out, but calls in would result in the line saying the number is not in service.

Also during this time if I selected the voicemail on one of our phones would get the message of no distb. In the Micollab client I couldn't access some things like nupoint or direct information for users. I could search users but not click on them to see any specific data.

Rebooting the server resolved the issue, but it just happened again today and I could use some help in knowing what direction to look for what may cause an issue like this.

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