Introduction and Announcements / Re: Hello fellow Mitellers
« on: January 06, 2021, 12:59:34 PM »
A small company with 5320e's, using SIP-over-TLS 1.2
Felt like an idiot when I spent half a day trying to set up packet capture for future use, couldn't see a damn thing, and finally remembered I'd need to set up port mirroring or get an in-line TAP.
My boss took one look at the powered $250 Gigabit TAP's and said "forget it", https://www.amazon.com/Throwing-Original-Monitoring-Ethernet-Communication/dp/B077XY2TGD/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=Network+Tap&qid=1609227183&refinements=p_36%3A1253503011&rnid=386442011&s=electronics&sr=1-2]so I settled for this instead:
Looks like some kid's workbench project, but it did the trick.
Felt like an idiot when I spent half a day trying to set up packet capture for future use, couldn't see a damn thing, and finally remembered I'd need to set up port mirroring or get an in-line TAP.
My boss took one look at the powered $250 Gigabit TAP's and said "forget it", https://www.amazon.com/Throwing-Original-Monitoring-Ethernet-Communication/dp/B077XY2TGD/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=Network+Tap&qid=1609227183&refinements=p_36%3A1253503011&rnid=386442011&s=electronics&sr=1-2]so I settled for this instead:
Looks like some kid's workbench project, but it did the trick.