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Messages - amdxb

Pages: [1]
Issue is resolved, NAT from/to- DMZ/Voice was enabled to use outgoing firewall interface, disabling it solved the problem!
Thanks everyone :)

Can you answer the call via the softphone? No, sofphone doesn't ring
Status is set to ring softphone

@Lunda yes you are right.
I have attached the SIP trace from MiVB if it would help


The softphone is showing registered on Micollab client. I can make internal and pstn calls

For tesing I put Micollab softphone 710 extension in MDUG Group, no member, if I call 710, MIVB reply:

2021-08-25  15:06:57 SSP Network->STS
SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK1068357232-768730307;alias
Contact: <sip:;transport=TLS>
To: <sip:710@>;tag=340ea803
From: "S.Jain"<sip:617@>;tag=0_1068357349-768730308
Call-ID: 1068356910-768730306
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2021 11:06:57 GMT
User-Agent: Mitel Border GW/
Reason: SIP;text="Unknown target";cause=404
Content-Length: 0

@johnp thanks for response

The problem is, I cant answer calls in Micollab client. phone numbers showing Deskphone (610 - MDUG Group) and Softphone  (710 - MDUG member). if user is calling (610) it ring on Micollab client and Deskphone, as soon as call is answered using micollab,  user can talk through deskphone only not Micollab client.

is there is another way that I can answer incoming calls on the Micollab client it self? 

I have MBG in DMZ clustered with Micollab and MiVB, I'm unable to place calls to MiCollab softphone extension, MIVB reply SIP/2.0 503 Service Unavailable.

from MiCollab user can call desk phone, reference to attached pcap image, call to 599 is ringing, but call to 710 (Micollab Softphone) is not, what could be the issue?

Through multi-device license, the softphone is a member of MDUG with desk-phone, I can’t make audio or video call to another MiCollab client softphone extension

I have MBG in DMZ clustered with Micollab and MiVB, I'm unable to place calls to other MiCollab softphone extensions, MIVB reply SIP/2.0 503 Service Unavailable.

from MiCollab user can call desk phone, reference to attached pcap image, call to 599 is ringing, but call to 710 (Micollab Softphone) is not, what could be the issue?


Never mind, one of extension was on Full level, the group added successfully thanks

Mitel Software Applications / Multiple Devices with common DN - MiCollab
« on: October 23, 2020, 09:06:20 AM »
Thanks August,
I have added 1001 Deskphone as pilot and 2001 softphone as member in MDUG.

When I tried to add 2001 as member the ICP reply:
The directory number is of the wrong service level

Both DN are in multi-device level

Mitel Software Applications / Multiple Devices with common DN - MiCollab
« on: October 23, 2020, 06:57:41 AM »
I want to configure MiCollab in the way that the softphone and desk phone use a single DN, is it possible with MDUG?

When I tried to add desk phone with same DN to the user the ICP reply *number in use*.

Thanks very much for the information Acejavelin, I will try what you suggested

Is there is any third party call recording software compatible with MiVoice Business running on CX II 3300?

Mitel Software Applications / Re: MiCollab 9.1 Deployment error
« on: October 16, 2020, 08:53:05 AM »
Thanks sarnod, it’s working after I add a new profile

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mitel Software Applications / MiCollab 9.1 Deployment error
« on: October 16, 2020, 06:39:46 AM »
User has assigned UCC standard user for enterprise V4.0 license, but when trying to deploy MiCollab he get the Message below:

Deployment error:
Your account does not have sufficient licensing to support MiCollab client. Please see your admin

Any idea what could be the reason?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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