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Messages - HerrDoktor

Pages: [1]
Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / UC360 Firmware Update
« on: August 12, 2020, 11:31:46 AM »
So I've recently been tasked with updating Firmware on a few dozen UC360's that are spread out among my organization. This is my first dealings with anything phone or Mitel related so I'm very much green in this area.

Right now the process is to manually go to each device and update the firmware via USB. Easy enough. But from my reading it seems like doing it via HTTP would be the way to go in the future. That way I don't have to hit up 50 devices one at a time.

I'm trying to future proof this process so it's just easier. So I have some questions about it.

1. Is it possible to remotely set any of the settings on the UC360's themselves via whatever admin console I assume I should have access to? Such as time settings, LDAP/AD settings. HTTP info for where I want it to pull updates from?

2. Honestly that was my only question I can think of at the moment. I'd love to hear some other things I should probably be doing with these as well since this is all very new to me.

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