« on: July 16, 2020, 03:43:49 PM »
Hello all! I've been working through doing certificate updates ahead of the Aug 21st deadline and I keep running into an issue that I could use some insight on.
All our physical devices have been upgrading mostly without issues but our VMs that are running MSL/MiCollab sometimes have an issue allowing SFTP connections. We have to reboot the devices and then we can access SFTP to transfer the certificate files. However, we have to wait until after hours for each client to perform the reboot and it's really slowing us down. I have been looking but have been unable to find an answer to this question, is there a command to reset the SFTP service inside MSL or something similar that could allow us to regain access via SFTP without a reboot? I am able to use Putty to SSH into the devices.
Using known good UN/PW this is what we receive when attempting to SFTP using FileZilla, WinSCP has similar results/errors: FATAL ERROR: Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server
Thanks all!