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Messages - TELEFON

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Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / disk works alone but not in RAID
« on: July 11, 2020, 11:40:07 PM »
I’m attempting to use a non-Mitel disk in a 3300 controller.  It works fine when it’s by itself.  But I cannot get the same disk to be accepted as the secondary member of a RAID array!  The rebuild runs to completion, then the ‘Hard Fault’ returns.  I have tried the following procedure more than once:

The controller is a 3300 MXe II with RAID controller, all known to be in good working order.  The disk I’m trying to use is a 80GB IDE Seagate with the same P/N as my Mitel disks:  ST380215A.

It does work by itself: 
I “cleared sockets”, then put this fresh disk into slot #1.  Ran a new install from bootline using the FixPartition option, of MiVoice Business 8.0 SP3 PR3 (
Controller boots up and runs happily in a vanilla, unlicensed state.  No sign of any disk problems whatsoever.

RAID will not rebuild onto it:
So I take the above disk out and set it aside. Cleared sockets, and put in a different disk containing a working install of MiVoice 8.0, in slot #1.
Controller boots up and runs happily.  I then add the non-Mitel disk in slot#2, checking SHOW STATUS REDUNDANT at various times to watch what happens.
The newly-added drive initially shows a Hard Fault of course, until I invoke the rebuilding of the array using the control button for Disk2.  The fault goes away during the rebuild and it shows a blinking green for the duration of the rebuild, as normal.  However as soon as the rebuild is finished, the status of Disk #2 changes to Hard Fault again!

So why does the Mitel accept this disk on its own but not in the RAID?  Why does the rebuild process appear to complete successfully, then immediately show a hard fault?   

Here are the Log entries, beginning (at bottom) from the moment I insert the non-Mitel disk in slot#2:
10:39:22   REDUNDANT      Rebuild completed
10:39:22   REDUNDANT      Hard fault detected for disk 2
10:39:22   ResourceMonitor   Progress Monitor->RaiseAlarmRaised Major Alarm on Faulty Disk
7:14:00   REDUNDANT      Rebuild started
7:14:00   REDUNDANT      Hard fault cleared for disk 2
7:12:35   REDUNDANT      Disk 1 installed. Disk 2 installed.
7:12:35   ResourceMonitor   Progress Monitor->RaiseAlarmRaised Major Alarm on Faulty Disk

Thanks a lot for any advice you can offer.

I would like to report a good outcome after swapping iButtons.  With System "B" now carrying our original hardware Id, the SI upgrade could sync to AMC and was happy to proceed.  Of course I restored a fresh backup from A just before starting the upgrade.  So we've now got System B happily running Release 8.0 SP3 PR3 (, and it contains recent live data from A (  :).

I've still got more testing to do before moving B into the rack, but hopefully no big surprises.  We might have to say goodbye to our 5540 IP console?  There were warnings during the upgrade about incompatibility...

Thanks for everyone's input and advice!

No joy yet.  After clearing system A's hardware ID from our ARID and attempting to claim it on spare box B, we have learned that B is known to AMC and still linked to the former owner's ARID.  I'm attempting to make contact with them, although I don't hold out much hope for getting their help.  Also waiting on a callback from Mitel (can they help if I show proof of purchase?).  Would moving the ibutton from "A" to "B" be an option?  Will "A" boot without one?  (I suppose I could give it B's if that keeps it running for now).  Any comments welcome.

Thank you, sarond.  I will work on that approach.  Regards.

We have two almost identical 3300 MXe II controllers.  One is our production system, call it “A” (fully licensed, with SWA) and the other box we obtained for an emergency spare: “B”. 
Controller “A” is running MCD 4.1 SP2 (

We would like to stage up “B” with the latest version of MiVoice Business that will run on the hardware; take over our Application Record so it becomes licensed; then physically swap it in one night to become the new production controller.

I have already installed an empty, vanilla instance of MiVoice Business 8.0 SP3 PR3 onto “B”, but it is not allowing any restores since it’s not licensed yet.  If we go ahead with the ARID swap and have “B” as a licensed but empty instance of 8.0, will “B” be able to read a 4.1  production backup from “A” ??  If not, what is the latest version we need to put on “B” that can read 4.1 backups?  (After that, we would do in-place upgrades to bring it up to 8.0 or as high as we can go.)

Any tips much appreciated!

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