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Messages - jlunning

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Also I see you are from Michigan.  I've worked for one organization in Southfield for the last 1.5 years, which is where my first exposure to Mitel phone systems comes from.  Before that I worked out of Ann Arbor for 10 years for an MSP that had clients all over southeast Michigan (mainly Ann Arbor, Detroit, Southfield, Flint).  All nonprofits.  Outside of moving/renaming extensions in one Toshiba Strata unit, I rarely had to poke my head inside a phone system those 10 years.  Just did computer stuff.  Not sure where you might remember me from.

Thanks.  That does shed some light on things.   But I do have more questions.  :)   Below is an example of one of our traffic reports.   What is the BBBB?  Busy?   I see a handful that were at 99% erlangs out.  However, we have been transferring calls through our lines to an external number where people sit on hold for up to 5 hours sometimes.  Would those trunks at 99% erlangs out be those transferred calls?

In all our traffic reports, like below, the first trunk number (1001) seems to have the highest Peg In, then it cascades down, with the second trunk (1002) typically having the second highest, and so on.  Does the PRI work like that for inbound calls?  Does it just try to grab the first trunk that is open starting from 1001?  It seems to be the opposite for outbound calls, working from the last trunk (1022) and going backwards.

If I have at least some trunks with low/no peg counts or erlangs, does that mean we most likely had available PRI channels to handle calls during the time period?

        Trunk         Trunk    Peg     Usage In      Peg     Usage Out
      Number        Label     In    (Erlangs)      Out     (Erlangs)

       1001          PRI Sou   23       0.50          0        0.00
       1002          PRI Sou    5       0.48          0        0.00
       1003          PRI Sou    5       0.17          0        0.00
       1004          PRI Sou    1       0.13          0        0.00
       1005          PRI Sou    2       0.27          0        0.00
       1006          PRI Sou    2       0.15          1        0.00
       1007          PRI Sou    0       0.16          1        0.01
       1008          PRI Sou    0       0.51          0        0.00
       1009          PRI Sou    2       0.02          1        0.02
       1010          PRI Sou    2       0.05          4        0.03
       1011 BBBB     PRI Sou    0       0.00          8        0.81
       1012          PRI Sou    0       0.00          3        0.38
       1013 BBBB     PRI Sou    0       0.00          0        0.99
       1014          PRI Sou    0       0.00         17        0.29
       1015 BBBB     PRI Sou    0       0.00          0        0.99
       1016 BBBB     PRI Sou    0       0.00          6        0.95
       1017 BBBB     PRI Sou    0       0.00          0        0.99
       1018 BBBB     PRI Sou    0       0.00          0        0.99
       1019          PRI Sou    0       0.00          0        0.44
       1020          PRI Sou    0       0.00          1        0.61
       1021          PRI Sou    0       0.00         18        0.48
       1022 BBBB     PRI Sou    0       0.00          6        0.81

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Telnet credentials
« on: April 21, 2020, 08:20:46 AM »
Actually I did send the SMDR log to FTP.  It worked, however the resulting file only showed a handful of recent call records, not the full buffer.   It seems that going in the maintenance command and telling it to print the entire smdr log was what I needed.

Is there a way to see all currently active calls on the 3300?  Ideally showing the call start time and extension/numbers involved.   We've had to turn one of our departments into basically a call center.  Call volume is way higher than usual and I'm being asked to get stats and troubleshoot issues that I've never had to deal with before.   I'm an IT staff member, not a phone tech.

I'm familiar with SMDR, but that seems to be after a call is complete.  Sometimes I'm looking to be able to get "in the moment" info about what's going on, particularly around active calls and PRI usage. 

I've also looked at the traffic reports but the output is kind of greek to me.  Not exactly sure what Usage In (erlangs), Peg In, and such really mean.  I can see these show our PRI trunk numbers, but don't understand why some have peg numbers and some don't.  Also, while these traffic reports might be somewhat helpful, they still seem to be reporting things after the fact.

Any guidance will be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Telnet credentials
« on: April 20, 2020, 04:18:42 PM »
I had not thought of that.  I figured the print function was useless due to the fact we don't have an actual printer hooked up to the mitel.   

I just ran "logsys print smdr all" and it spits out the entire buffer to port 1752.  That's exactly what I needed.  Thank you.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Telnet credentials
« on: April 20, 2020, 11:42:42 AM »
installer/sx2000 didn't work.  I'll abandon telnet.

Back to the ESM.... I tried this method first.  However, when I paste into Notepad++ or any other program, the longer lines (typically incoming calls) are wrapped to a second line.  There is a newline character plus several spaces, then the rest of the info.  I suppose I can write a python script or something to clean it up and get each record on 1 line, but was hoping to avoid that.

On a related note.... is there a way to force smdr to spit out it's entire history buffer when you connect to port 1752?   That would be the most ideal.  The maintenance command in ESM gives the full buffer, but port 1752 only gives new calls as of the time I connect to it.

It's like I can either get the full history in a less than ideal format or I can get only the new calls but in a clean format.  Trying to get the best of both worlds but doesn't seem like that's possible.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Telnet credentials
« on: April 19, 2020, 01:46:03 PM »
Are the telnet accounts different than the web login accounts for the 3300?  I can login to the web console (ESM?) just fine as "system" and it's password.  But the same credentials tell me invalid username/password when trying to login via telnet on port 23. 

Also, the whole reason I'm trying to login under telnet is so I can try to logsys read smdr all and have it output to a window that is over 80 characters wide so I can get each record on one line for a clean copy/paste.   When I logsys read smdr all through the web maintenance command section it wraps the longer lines leading to a less than ideal copy/paste.  Also, when I telnet to port 1752 or FTP the log I just get new SMDR records as of the time if that particular connection, not the full buffer history like I get when I logsys read smdr all.

To answer your question too... we use embedded voicemail

Thank you Martin.  I found the class of service for our VM Ports and SMDR was indeed turned off on both internal and external.  I turned them on and now see SMDR entries for the numbers I was looking for.  Glad it turned out to be something simple.

I'm new to the Mitel platform and some PBX terms in general, so bear with me....   I have an extension, 3600, that is an auto-attendant voice mail box.  Basically an external customer calls the full DID of this number XXX-XXXX-3600, immediately gets a pre-recorded message (3600 Voicemail box), then can press 0 or 1 to be transferred to another extension, 3630, which rings a bunch of phones, then goes to the 3630 voice mail box if no one picks up.

The problem I'm having is that if someone calls XXX-XXXX-3600, regardless of whether they listen to the message and hang up or press 0 or 1 to continue to a live person, the call is not showing up in SMDR.

When I go to a maintenance shell and type in LOCATE NUMBER 3600, it says "The number refers to a Non Prime Broadcast Group."  I know it is assigned as a secondary extension on one of our handsets and set not to ring.  In Call Routing, I have 3600 set to go immediately to voice mail aka the auto attendant.

I looked in SMDR options and I feel like I we have everything turned on already that would be relevant.

I'm trying to get logs of all calls to XXX-XXXX-3600.  If someone has some advice for me I would appreciate it.  I'm wondering if I set this auto-attendant up incorrectly for logging in the first place.


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