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Messages - madmanxing

Pages: [1]
Mitel Software Applications / Re: MiCollab Softphone Unavailable error
« on: March 25, 2021, 02:11:04 AM »
Did you ever get this figured out?
Facing the same issue currently.

Yes this has been done and deployed as I can manually install MiCollab Application and run it from deployment. Just unable to do a self deploy which I would love to do.

Was this ever figured out?
I am facing the same issue.

our service comes in over a T1/PRI
hope that answers your question ;D

Still hoping to get this figured out. It seems random at this point. can call 1 minute with my cell, caller ID shows, call a few minutes later, and it does not.

Advanced configuration - - > stations attribute

Thank you, I took a look here, and confirmed phones, that get caller ID always just fine ,
and the phones that get the incorrect caller ID sometimes all have the same COS, 1 across the board...
also same goes for all voicemail ports, all matching 1,7,7,7,1,1.....
So no inconsistencies between phones or voicemail ports in COS.

Any ideas on what can cause these odd Caller ID issues?
Thanks again!

Those may be calls where no incoming calling party number was provided, so NuPoint will show the DN of the port number instead.

I tried maybe 5 times from my cellphone and 5 times from my landline at home, and out of the 10 calls, each number only correctly registered in the caller ID once. So 2 correct caller ID's displayed after 10 calls.

Hello All,
Spent a lot of time trying to figure out what is causing this.
I have a few phones/extensions that will ALWAYS record the correct caller ID # of a caller, in the email that is forwarded that displays
"Voice Message From xxxXXXxxxx"
I have a few extensions that for the life of me cannot figure out why, but OCCASIONALLY, show "Voice Message From 801"
"Voice Message From 802"
"Voice Message From 803"
"Voice Message From 804"
"Voice Message From 805"
These are our voicemail ports.... 801-806
I have read others mention to check your voicemail ports COS, however when i go to check Ext 801's COS, it does not exist as a mailbox, so there is nothing for me to check.
Where would i check the COS for the "Voicemail Ports" in our case 801-806? I do not see them under users and services

The COS of the phones that have the issue and those that do not, all match...

Thank you!

Hi all,
We have a 3300 CXII

with 5330e IP phones.

Recently i setup some new phones we purchased, in Teleworker mode.

Now, this error message i am getting, is when copying keys from existing phones, to these 2 in particular.
copying standard,  multicall line types, and group park keys, that exist on all other 100 ish 5330e IP phones in our org.

these 2 phones, i am getting the error message after copying keys,   "Maximum Number of Group Park keys reached for this park destination DN"

i was able to copy the keys from my phone to another older phone, but these new phones, kept getting this error, even when i had only 1 group park key checked to copy.

The class of service is the same as the phone i am copying from.
I have a feeling this might have something to do with the firmware version on the phones, as these are newer phones we purchased in the last year, the existing phones we have had for along time.

I am a little lost and could use some help or advice.
Thank you all!

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