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Messages - M4tZeSS

Pages: [1]
SIP On Mitel / Re: 5312 SIP mode firmware issue
« on: February 26, 2020, 04:27:46 AM »
It works again! I used dilkie's method as I'm not that comfortable with TFTP.

Thank you both for your help!


SIP On Mitel / 5312 SIP mode firmware issue
« on: February 25, 2020, 05:38:51 AM »

I am having an issue with a 5312 in SIP mode.
I updated the firmware (a while ago via a public MBG) without knowing that the web gui got disabled in the later firmware versions.. How would I go about restoring such a mistake to get the web gui to work again?

Any help would be appreciated.


Pages: [1]