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Messages - JohnW1013

Pages: [1]
We got this resolved. A senior technician and I were looking through the Mitel Partner documents and we found a troubleshooting article that stated this is caused by the WSP Agent service needing restarted on the server. This has resolved our issue! Thanks!

The users are in a terminal server environment, so a lot of users are sharing a group of servers. Whichever server he ends up on, he has the issue, while no other people are experiencing the issue.
FWIW, the profile will follow him to whatever server he connects to.

Hello all.

Apologies if there is an answer to this, I searched all afternoon yesterday and was unable to find anything. Also, I am fairly new to supporting Mitel, and the greybeards here have never seen this issue either.

We have a single client, whenever he opens his MiCollab Client, 7.3, every call in his call log opens a "Call Window" and then closes out, starting from his oldest call until his newest call.
A few things we have tried already:
   1. Renaming the folder in his AppData, C:\Users\jweymouth.VERGE\AppData\Roaming\Mitel\UC
   2. Verifying settings within his account setup

I would appreciate any advice you could give me on the matter.

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