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SIP On Mitel / SSH access to Mitel SIP phone
« on: May 17, 2020, 04:05:32 PM »
Who knows if it possible to get SSH access to the Mitel SIP phones. I am interested in 6873i, but I think that if there is such a possibility, the principle is the same for all models.

MiVoice MX-ONE Version: 7.2
Could you please tell me where is the setting of register expire lifetime? It seems this is the RegisterExpiration parameter, default 3600 sec. I need to reduce this keepalive time.

However, in fact the function path (rfc3327) or outbound_proxy does not work in MX-ONE, which is very sad and creates a lot of difficulties

MiVoice MX-ONE 7.1_SP0_HF2

When I try to send a Register request through a proxy that adds a path, I get a response
Code: [Select]
439 First Hop Lacks Outbound
Apparently the server does not support RFC 5626, or support is disabled.

My questions: whether it is possible to enable RFC 5626 and if it is not present – where can I find outbound proxy setting for outgoing requests?

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