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Messages - krasi69

Pages: [1]
We have Mitel 5000 phone system and I receive on my admin phone the following alarm:


The ext. 211 was connected before to a fax which we currently don't use. That is why we received this alarm.
How can I disable or deactivate the ext. 211 in our phone system ? So that we stop to receive this message.
I don't want to delete the ext. 211.

Hi acejavelin,

How can I assign DID to my extension 298 ? I went to the below path in our Mitel 5000 system:
\System\Trunk-Related Information\Call Routing Tables\1\
I see the following record there:

(Pattern: 613-278-2134) (Description: 613-278-2134) (Ring-In Type : Single) (Ring-In Destination: 298)

When an outside caller dial the 613-278-2134 my extension 298 rings. But when I call my cell phone
from my extension 298 I see the main phone line number (not the number 613-278-2134).


Yes. When I call from my desktop phone with ext. number 298 my cell phone I would like to
see in the cell phone call history the full calling number 613-314-2257 ext. 298. Now I see
in the cell phone call history only the main calling number 613-314-2257.

Can I achieve this goal by changing the Caller ID settings in Mitel 5000 ?

We have phone system Mitel 5000 and phones Mitel 8528. When someone call from a desktop phone
cell phone and the call is missed we see in the cell phone call history our main phone line number.
We cannot see in the cell phone call history the extension phone number. For example we place
a call from 613-314-2257 ext. 298 to cell phone and in the cell phone call history we see only
613-314-2257. There is a contact on the cell phone with the number 613-314-2257.

How I can configure our Mitel 5000 system to send the ext. numbers in the caller ID for
external calls to cell phone ?

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Mitel 5000 - SYS ALARM #101 error
« on: June 01, 2020, 03:01:41 PM »
We have Mitel 5000 phone system and the software "MiVoice Office 250 System Administration & Diagnostics".
My phone was broken and I received the error "SYS ALARM #101" on its screen. I replaced my phone with new
phone and I changed the phone cable. Now I don't have signal on my new phone. I see the same error
"SYS ALARM #101" on our Mitel 5000 system. The other phones in the company work well. I tried to clear
this error with the codes 9850 and 9851 from another working phone. This didn't work because maybe the
other phone is not Admin phone. Our Admin extension is 388 but I don't have phone for it.

How can I clear this alarm code from Mitel 5000 and recover the signal of my phone ?
Can I do this by entering of some codes of just by restarting of Mitel 5000 from the software ?

We have Mitel 5000 system and MiVoice Office 250 System Administration & Diagnostics installed on Windows 7.
The application is logged with the admin account and works fine. Here are our software versions:
Release version: 6.0 SP2
Call processing version

I installed the same software on computer with Windows 10 and I logged with our admin account.
I receive this message in the console: "Functionality is limited. Advanced system monitoring is active".
I disabled Windows Defender Firewall completely on Windows 10, but this issue continue.
Do you know how I can fix this issue ?

Thank you Tech Electronics,
I have the following installation files:


Do I have to install both of them ?

We have Mitel 5000 system and I received an error when I started DB Programming.
I saw in Control Panel that I have 2 versions installed of Microsoft Access Database Engine.
I uninstalled one of the Microsoft Access Database Engines. Now I have only one Microsoft
Access Database Engine. When I run DB Programming now I receive another error. You can
see the error which I receive and the versions of the installed software in the attached file.

Can you please help me to fix this error ? Which version of Microsoft Access Database Engine
I should have and from where I can download it ?

Hello TE,

Thanks for your reply. I attached few screenshots from our Mitel 5000 database.
You can see the configuration parameters for my phone 295 and for our trunk groups.

Do you now which settings I have to change so that the forwarding to cell phone (external phone)
will work in both cases ?

Best Regards,

We have Mitel 5000 phone system. I forwarded my extension 295 (with associated extension 92001 - trunk group)
to my cell phone. I have 2 cases with this call forwarding:

1) I place direct call from another company phone to my phone with ext. 295 and the call forwarding works.
2) I dial first the extension 1910 and I hear the company greeting. Then I dial my extension 295. I receive message
"Not Available" and the call forwarding doesn't work.

Can you please tell me why the call forwarding to my cell phone doesn't work in case (2) ?
My cell phone is external phone for our Mitel 5000 system.

Our Mitel 5000 system stopped to work before 1 week for 10 minutes. The phone system
stopped to work again today for 5 minutes. You can see the logs from today attached to
this post. I highlighted the errors with red color. Can you please help me to fix this issue
which happened 2 times ?

Yes I am hearing the name and the greeting after the call is forwarded to voice mail in a Ring No Answer condition.
I am not sure if this greeting is personal greeting or system greeting. Also I wonder how the same greeting is assigned
to all the phones in our office. I think that it was done from the Admin mailbox.

When I call a phone in our office and there is no answer first I hear the name of the person and then
voice mail greeting. This voice mail greeting is attached to all the phones. I would like to delete this
greeting but I cannot find it in our system. Our voice mail number is 1900. When I login to DB Programming
I go to \Voice Processor\Devices\Applications\1900\Day(Night) Greeting\. There is another greeting
assigned with length 4 sec but the greeting for deletion has length 16 sec. Then I go to the location:
\Voice Processor\Application-Related Info\Audiotex Recordings\. The greeting for deletion is not in
this list. I also login from my phone to the admin mailbox and again I cannot find this greeting.
Can you please help ?


This program worked on my computer before. I uninstalled completely both DB
programs which I mentioned (3) and (4). Then I installed them again.
But I receive the same errors. Probably I have to install them on another PC
with clean Windows.

Do you know from where I can download the main Mitel software ? I have only these
2 programs but I don't have the main program for new install. I know that Mitel
don't provide software for download on their web site.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / I cannot run DB Programming for Mitel 5000
« on: November 01, 2019, 12:32:31 PM »
I have the software "Mitel 5000 - MiVoice Office 250 System Administration & Diagnostic" ver. (64-bit)
When I start "DB Programming for Mitel 5000" I receive errors. You can see the attached screenshots.
I have Windows 7 Professional SP1. I did the following steps for fixing of this issue but without success:

1) I removed my current installations of Microsoft .NET Framework.
2) I installed Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 and I restarted my computer
3) I reinstalled this program: 6_3_84_0-SysAd_6_3_7_84-DBP-64bit.exe
4) I reinstalled this program: 6_0_11_84-DBP_Plugin-64bit.exe

Can you please help me to fix this issue ?

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