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Messages - thefiremeister

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a Hotel has switched over to a new PMS system.  Went from Opera to Synexis.  as far as I know the old PMS system worked, I never had to mess with it. 

I'm assuming the data set 1103 send info back to the pms system and the pms system sends room status back to the mitel or is it a one way data flow? 

I also assumed that if I put a printer on the rs232 end of the data set it would print something out.  so far that has not happened.     I can get the printer port to print room status from maid in room but I keep getting the same Room clean status.     *2 is maid in room and if you put in *2- 1,2,3,4,5,6 all I get back on the printer is time date room # and "room is clean" 

I checked the programing per the tech manual and it looks like its all good but I must be missing something. 

If I enter maid in room and then a 3 should I get a different status printed out or does the statues have to be sent from the PMS system?     I was told all I should see is what number was dialed after the maid in room code and the PMS system will assign a status to the number sent by the mitel.      To me that means I should be seeing a number on the printer instead of a "room clean" message. 

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