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Messages - cshaw

Pages: [1]
Thanks that made sense and everything looks correct now. 

Ok so my extension points to my forwarding path
My Forwarding path points to my Hunt group
My Hunt Group list the extension and points to the call routing application
My application lists my two Mailboxes and points back to the phone extension

However when I look at my extension the mailbox folder is still empty and when I right click on the two mailboxes and look at their associations it does not show they are associated with that extension or the hunt group.

I have  something missing that is causing a disconnect and when I dial the extension it just rings and never goes to the call Routing Announcement.

Any ideas on what I may have missed?

I had a phone extension that when it went to voicemail it asked you if you want person one or person 2 then went to their voicemail boxes.  I am having to recreate that feature but I can't associate the mailboxes with the extensions and I don't see how to do it online.  So my phone extension is 1690 but the mailboxes go to 1691, and 1692.  Under Under mailboxes for extension 1690 it is blank and I have no options to add anything and if I go to Voice Processor/Devices/Mailboxes  1691 and 1692 have no Associated extension and I see not options to add one.

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