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Messages - psmith

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Mitel Software Applications / Re: Remote Users Best Way To Do It
« on: March 16, 2020, 11:37:38 AM »
I would agree the physical phones would be best but we would need to have PoE bricks to power the phones in people's homes and we don't have them available at this point.

On the mobile client we are getting users who don't have the option to have the phone system dial them and the called party, so is basically just a cell call for those calls we we are looking to have our outbound toll free number on the call, not our people's cell number.

We tried the softphone in the MiCollab client and while it will ring the softphone, no audio goes through the softphone and the hard phone still picks up and hangs up the call.

I have the configuration wrong but not sure where to go to fix it.

Mitel Software Applications / Remote Users Best Way To Do It
« on: March 16, 2020, 11:13:47 AM »
I am a rookie with Mitel so knowledge level is low.

I believe we are on a 3300 platform.
We have an MBG on the outside where we have a handful of physical phones connected via Teleworker configuration
We do run the MiCollab Client v on the desktops.  Currently used to show who is on a call and to dial/pick call on the physical phone.
We are running a mix of UCC v3 and V4 standard license

Need a way to do 100% remote workers and looking for what is the best way to do this.

We have tried the Mobile client but we are getting some people who it says they are unlicensed.  At this point have not figured out how to get the softphone to work on the laptops through the MiCollab client.

Looking for advice from those who are in the know.  Open to all suggestions

We have a CX3300 system and a single sip trunk coming in/out.

We have two buildings on one campus and all phones from both locations go out the same CX3300.

Currently all phones are on one VLAN but this could be separated into two VLANs one for each building.

Looking for a way to have one building use it's CESID and a different one for building two.

In a perfect world, it would be nice that if the phones are transported from one building to the other, it would automatically update what CESID it will dial out.  Is this even possible and if so how?

If this is not possible, what is the best option/practice to setting 911 in this scenario?

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