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Messages - ht_!

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MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: MiVoice office 250 with 6930 phone
« on: February 15, 2019, 10:53:45 AM »
We're still new to the 6900 phones and are working through some of these issues ourselves.

Just for anybody who might still be wondering, or who might be new to the Office 250 and the 6900 phones, the instructions Tech Electronics gave do work.

We set up a Voicemail DSS key that points to 2500 so that when you have a caller you can press Xfer, the VM DSS key, dial the mailbox No. and immediately press goodbye button or hang up.

If you press the goodbye key immediately, the caller will hear most, if not all of the users greeting. Still, that is dependant on how quickly the system is able to route the call.

Hope that helps any newbies to the system.


MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Alternate Mode Workarounds Needed
« on: February 13, 2019, 03:56:53 PM »
DND ON, Tech Electronics,

This is Great! Thank you both for the quick response. This is something that we've been wondering about for a while since we have a lot of customers who want to do some crazy stuff sometimes. I'm going to get this info to my tech and see if we can implement one of these designs to achieve the result we're looking for.

Once we work through it, I'll try to update this post with the results.

Again, thank you very much for the input, I'm hoping this will solve the issue.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Alternate Mode Workarounds Needed
« on: February 13, 2019, 10:26:43 AM »
First, I apologize that this is so long. Just trying to be thorough.

We’ve recently started working with the Office 250 system and there are a few things we’re having trouble with. We come from a Toshiba background and we had a lot of workarounds for their systems after working with them so long, but now we’re back to square one it seems.

One of the issues we’re having is the ability to put the system into an alternate mode like we could with Toshiba.

We have a customer that is wanting to have their normal Open/Closed greetings, an all-staff meeting greeting and a completely different call routing setup for ‘Bid Day’. This is where we are with programming.

   Auto Attendant:
      Press 2 for DBN
      Press 0 for Operator
                          If Operator doesn’t answer after 4 rings it delays to another hunt group with 3 other ext’s.
   Auto Attend/Night/Closed Greeting:
      Press 2 for DBN
      Press 0 for Gen MB

They want to be able to change ‘modes’ for an all-staff meeting, for about an hour, once or twice a month. We would normally use the Night Ring Button for this so they could easily toggle back and forth.

   Night Ring:
   Auto Attendant:
      Press 2 for DBN
      Press 8 for Gen MB
Our issue lies here, they are a construction company and have ‘Bid Days’ where they want all the phones to ring without going to the Auto Attendant.

After 6 rings, instead of going to a Gen MB, they want it to go to the Auto Attendant and follow the call routing that was listed in the DAY/OPEN mode in the STAR app above.

The tech thinks we can put ‘Bid Day’ on the Night Ring instead of the all-staff meeting, but thinks we would need a different STAR app for the all staff meeting, or vice versa, but we haven’t found an easy way to change to that 2nd STAR app.

We could give the customer access to the programming with very specific instructions on how to change to a different app, but that doesn’t seem prudent. We even tried locking some stuff down and giving them very limited access, but after doing so we weren’t able to access the call routing info so that became pointless.

I did some reading through the forum and in some manuals and it seems like we can schedule to another app as long as we know the days/times to play the other STAR app. But they don’t have a set schedule for the staff meetings or Bid Days. Is there another way to do this? Thank you in advance for any help.

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