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Messages - DialToneDreams

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MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Phone Manager Border Gateway
« on: March 21, 2019, 09:07:41 AM »
Any luck with this? I'm also tasked with deploying 1 server for both the Mitel Border Gateway (for SIP & cell phone app) and a MCS Phone Manager Server for the 6900 series phones.

I have only slight experience with VMware and am leaning towards telling the boss I need 2 separate servers.


Thanks for the tips ace... it is greatly appreciated. I talked to the SIP carrier, Mitel and Adtran today and only inched closer to success. I gotta return to the site tomorrow. I think the SIP carrier told me wrong... I got Adtran to help me but pursued the NAT route like the carrier said. So where I stand now is no SIP traffic hitting the Adtran from outside and no SIP traffic hitting the Adtran from the PBX. My Adtran can now ping the outside world though... yay!

I guess I'll have to figure out those trunks. I did see a few commands online but none describing the entering of DID's. I'm starting to miss the simplicity of SIP on Toshiba  :P

Many thanks for pointing me in the right direction! If you get bored and have a sample config I will totally ask the universe to reward your generosity!

I do have an Adtran SBC 10 lisc and my Topology is as you say I will need:   Comcast carrier router  <---> public IP for Adtran on GIG0/2  ~~~~ private LAN IP for Adtran on GIG0/1   <---> Switch <---> Mitel 250 w private LAN IP

Oops...     Adtran NetVanta 3140. I did find the GUI. I could try the Adtran forums but figured I'd try here in case someone had a Mitel specific experience to share.

Hello all. 15 year phone guy but new to Mitel....    This Adtran setup is a little more "IT" (command line) than I usually get involved in but I made a few commands work but there is so much that I don't know.

I have 1 public IP for the Adtran and a Destination Telnet SIP server destination public IP. I believe I either need to setup a 1to1 NAT or a 1 to Many NAT (in case I need a port forward in lieu of a Border Gateway).  Is it as simple as that? No other SIP configs needed on Adtran? Any tips or gotchas I should lookout for? Got any commands you know that work you're willing to part with?

Thanks for any help!

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