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Messages - shanem

Pages: [1]
Mitel Software Applications / Flex reporting expressions
« on: November 21, 2018, 01:24:07 PM »
Hi All,

I am building a custom report in Mitel Flexible reporting.
I am trying to get data for number of calls answered in 30 seconds or less
and calls answered in 30 seconds or less as percentage of total calls offered.  the field I have selected is: =Fields!QueueAnswered.Value
which I can see total calls were answered. But to get the result of 30 second or less do I need to match it against another field and the only field
I can see is: =Code.FormatTimeSpanAsHHMMSS(Fields!QueueAnsACDByAgentDuration.Value). if this is correct, how do I tell it to show me the total calls that
were answered in 30 second or less and also in percentage?


Pages: [1]