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Messages - slips007

Pages: [1]
Mitel Software Applications / Re: Multiple MiVB R9 with one MiCollab 8.1
« on: November 02, 2018, 03:27:48 PM »
Thanks. I have 2 MiVB servers that I need to enable FTP on. I did a sharing and sync on the first MiVB and it went great - no issues.
I assumed that once you do that from one MiVB that they should all have FTP. Is that the case?
Or do you need to individually go to each other MiVB and do a sync to MiCollab only after everything is setup?

Mitel Software Applications / Multiple MiVB R9 with one MiCollab 8.1
« on: November 01, 2018, 04:40:12 PM »
What is the process to add multiple MiVBs (2) to one MiCollab server? The primary MiVB uses the NuPoint UM license and any users created in MiCollab get replicated back to the primary system. I cant seem to get the same thing to happen when I provision a user to be on the 2nd MiVB. I get an error saying the MiVB and MiCollab cannot sync. I have the ESM login added to the network elements in MiCollab.
I checked the manuals but cannot seem to find details on the steps for this...


Update to the latest version of MiCollab on your iPhone (or Android).
I know they Mitel had a bug in their last version of MiCollab Mobile that did not allow the softphone to work on LTE IPv6 networks. This was the reason why it worked on Wifi (because it was IPv4) and not on LTE. If you just noticed this happen, its because AT&T must have moved to all IPv6 on their LTE network recently. I know my wireless carrier did that and it caused all sorts of headaches with apps not supporting IPv6. (ex. OpenVPN does not work).

On the newest version, MiCollab Client works on both IPv4 and IPv6 LTE.
You do not need to update MiCollab Server but I would advise you do that as they added a bunch of new features. Please see the release notes before you do that, as you would want to upgrade all your server software at the same time (Ex. MiVB, MBG, etc).

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