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Messages - marklein

Pages: [1]
I'm not much of a phone system guru, just a regular computer systems admin guy. I've adopted an office with a Mitel 5000 controller which is just generally flaky. System will freeze or error when accessing voicemails, won't process incoming calls, and needs to be reset weekly if not daily to stay stable. I assume that it simply needs to be replaced, so let me know if maybe there's some other maintenance that might bring it back to a stable state.

Anyway, the boss is feeling cheap and is OK with replacing the PBX but would prefer to keep the same desk phones (digital, not IP) in order to save cost. Is there a new(er) PBX that I could easily replace this one with? If I purchased another 5000 and copied the config would I likely be copying the same unstable setup the the replacement? Keep in mind that I only know enough about phone systems to Google the instructions that I need. Thanks folks!

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