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Messages - mlouie

Pages: [1]
Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, they did not help. You must have a different version of software as there is no Softphone Settings > Call Control. I tried going to Settings, Call Settings, Call Using and changing the dropdown there but that did not help.

As far as the suggestion about choosing the devices from Hardware Settings, I cannot do that because all the devices there are grayed out. And in the Windows 10 sound settings, it already has the correct device set as the default. So there is nothing to be done there. I have tested this with nothing plugged into the laptop, so that only the internal speaker and microphone are present, as well as with an external headset with microphone plugged in. In both cases, all the devices in Hardware Settings in MiCollab are grayed out and do not work in MiCollab, though they work elsewhere in Windows.

I installed the MiCollab client for Windows 10 on my laptop but I cannot get the audio working in calls. The audio works for playing voicemails and I can hear calls ringing, but neither the speakers or microphone work once the call is answered. And when I go to the Hardware Settings, the Microphone and Audio are all grayed out. This is true for both the internal speaker/microphone on the laptop and an external headset that I plugged in. The speaker and microphone work fine in other programs on the PC. I tried reinstalling the MiCollab software but that didn't help. Also tried re-creating the softphone on the server and that didn't help. The audio/microphone work fine on another PC for the same softphone number. Just not on this one where I need it. Any suggestions?

The DHCP server is virtual and only has one NIC. IPv6 is not enabled.

If I ping one of the bad addresses from the DHCP server and do arp -a, it does not list that address (the server is on a different subnet from it). If I ping it from my PC (on the same subnet) and do arp -a, it lists that address and the same MAC address as is shown in DHCP. The MAC address is for a Mitel phone. I am not aware of any IP address conflicts on our network (when we have these, usually users start calling us as they have issues.)

No 69xx phones. They are 5330 mostly or a similar model.

No, the phones are on multiple switches and multiple subnets. We get the Bad_Address entries in 2 different subnets.

No, the PBX is not giving out DHCP. The phones get their IPs from the DHCP server on the Windows server.

Our Mitel phones get a DHCP address from DHCP on our Windows Server 2012R2 domain controller. We have a problem where dozens of the Mitel phones (though less than half of them) are showing an entry in DHCP of "Bad_Address". We have DNS scavenging enabled, DHCP conflict detection attempts are set to "2" and I cannot find any rogue DHCP servers on the network. I cannot figure out what is causing these Bad_Address entries and why it is only the Mitel phones that this happens to (not any of the PCs). Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can investigate? I have spent many hours googling this and found nothing that solves it. We initially thought this was caused by setting up a failover DHCP server last May but we took that down last May and this problem still persists many months later. We shortened the lease durations on the scopes where this happens from 8 days to 2 days and 3 days (we did that months ago) and that didn't help. We are not aware of any conflicts on our network causing the phones or PCs to have issues (so there are no symptoms of IP conflicts) except that in the last few weeks, a few of the phones will sometimes have no audio when making/receiving calls but that only persists for a few minutes. When that happened this afternoon to a phone, I looked it up in DHCP and saw that it had one of the Bad_Address entries.

Mitel Software Applications / How setup LDAP for MiCollab AWV
« on: August 15, 2018, 07:06:46 PM »
Can the LDAP configuration in the MiCollab Audio Web Video conferencing setup be used with Active Directory? The "Sample Values of Key LDAP Parameters" table on that page shows sample values for Active Directory. But then down below, it says "If your LDAP server is an Active Directory server then you should configure and use the MiCollab Integrated Directory Service". Why would they show samples of configuring it for AD if it doesn't work for AD? Has anyone gotten it working for AD? If so, how did you get it working? I have configured it for AD but I cannot get it working. The user logins always fail.

I would rather not have to configure IDS as it is much more complicated and includes installing a certificate on the directory server. I don't understand how I would obtain that certificate. Where do I get it from? So I'd like to know if I have to do IDS or not. I am just wanting to use AD for logging in to the website for the conferencing server. I do not care about AD integration with anything else in our Mitel systems.

Mitel Software Applications / How set up MiCollab conferencing?
« on: August 15, 2018, 02:35:17 PM »
I am trying to set up MiCollab conferencing on our MiCollab server to work with our Mitel VMCD (MiVoice Business). I don't understand all the steps to get it set up. I am new to administering Mitel so don't totally understand how things are set up on it. I got the website working for conferencing, which was easy. But I don't understand how to set up the dial-in phone number. I set up a generic SIP extension on the VMCD and put it on the System Options page in the MiCollab AWV settings but it doesn't work. When I call it, it says "out of service". And I don't understand the SIP Server Configuration page in AWV. How do you know what hunt extensions to put there and do these extensions have to be set up on the vmcd? If so, how are they set up on the vmcd? And do I have to set up something under "SIP Device Capabilities" on the vmcd? I am not clear what has to be set up on the vmcd to make things work. I can find no documentation on what to set up on the vmcd. I've downloaded all the Mitel instructions and manuals I can find but there are no answers to these questions. Please don't send me a link to the following page. I already have it and I still don't understand what to fill in on this page:

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