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Messages - TKMan

Pages: [1]
Mitel Software Applications / Re: MiCollab PC client 7.x statuses
« on: April 22, 2020, 10:43:42 AM »
I am still having an issue with this. It almost seems like the "In The Office" Status was deleted at one point and I can not find how to add it back in anywhere. I would also like to be able to change or add to the Entry Licence statuses as this licence seems to be the one that greys the button out. I am running out of premium and standard licences and will have to start deploying with Entry and this problem will be a major one soon as the default is DND right now and cuts the phones off for people. Has anyone come up with a solution?

My head of security just asked if the security phones (3 buildings in close proximity with 4 different phones) can have a button that when hit will notify the other phones there is an emergency coming from the one phone so the officers can alert each other with a quick button without dialing 911. This would be similar to the button we already have when someone dials 911 these phones get notified. This being said, is there a way to have 2 emergency notification buttons on the phone and how would the two different number ring two different notification buttons, Can I have one notification button but 2 different alarm ring styles or will this not work altogether? Any help would be appreciated.

Splitting the load is good but 1000 53xx phones seems low especially since it was Mitel that recommended I upgrade my CPU and RAM to upgrade my capacity for my phone system when we hit the snag at 850. I am now just over 1000 and having problems, so the upgrade only got me 150 more phones, not worth it. Also Mitel did not tell you about this or I would have been looking at different options earlier.

Any way to expand this capacity by about 100 for the time being until someone can set up a plan to move phones from one system to another?

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