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okay, thanks fellas.

Why wouldn't you use the DOC files that are designed for editing on the eDocs?
I didn't know these were available.  We're in an end user type situation.  Are the DOC files in the eDocs available to owner/admins, or only installers?

Hey guys,
I'm working on preparing a scaled down version of the Mitel Phone Manual for our users.  I'm trying to make some edits on the .pdf manual/documentation for the 5320/5330/5340 phones, but it's locked out with a security password.

Anyone know what this is, by chance?

If I print it again as a PDF, I lose some of the advanced .pdf features already built into the document, so I'd prefer to unlock it properly, unless there's another way I can create my own copy while keeping the handy features active and not converting it to an "image".

TE, thanks!
I had a similar thought briefly last night after our discussion.  This is a great idea!
I'll reference your notes here against our general configuration, and make the adjustments where appropriate.

I mentioned in another thread, I'd been away from Inter-tel/Mitel systems for a few years.  It's great to be back.  I love having more control over programming and adjustments.  Our voice and data service installer was great, I have no major complaints, but as the IT guy, I like to have a general working knowledge of everything we run, so that I can respond quickly when we need service or adjustments.

It's understandably tough for installers to be available on demand for quick Q/A, or for them to know everything about an environment's needs and configure it perfectly during installation.  This group did a pretty good job, but there were still gaps after we went live when we moved offices and started getting some time on the system.  The Vendor Questionnaire helped a good bit, but it didn't get enough attention.

Anyway, we're getting it dialed a little at a time.  We'll need to do some training shortly, and I'm slowly pulling together an info packet from KB notes I've collected as I've been becoming more familiar with the system again, myself.

This forum has been a fantastic resource.  I'm really glad to have found it.

Hey TE,
thanks, yeah, I know what you mean about it being loaded; every environment is different and there wasn't enough information there in my original post.

I just let 'er rip, except the Passcode, and went back later to compare between an existing mailbox and the new one.  Yes, I did have to adjust the things you mentioned.  Now I have a better understanding of what to Paste for our environment.

Long day here, and I didn't give much consideration to the fact that I was copying a 5340 to a 5320 (dehr), so I completely missed the Keymap and Programmable Keys, so that was screwy.  I just went back later and copied from another 5320, applying only the Keymap and Programmable Keys options.

This is my exclusion list so far:
  • Passcode
  • Keymaps
  • Programmable Keys
  • Associated Extensions > required only the Transfer Recall Destination adjustment

Of course, the MAC address was zeroed so I had to enter that, too.

Thanks for the info - adding this link to my knowledgebase! (in Evernote, btw)

We're expanding a bit and I need to add a couple of new extensions to our system.

In DB Programming, I go
  > MiVoice Office 250 > System > Devices and Feature Codes > Phones

Right-click in blank area on the right, Create 52xx/53xx.

Assign the starting extension, which is the next one in our list, 216.

Check box for Create User

This creates the extension.
I plan to copy settings from another extension.  I copy that extension, and go to paste.  I'm not sure which options, if any, I should exclude?

I'm working with the Mitel Communication Service (MCS) and the Phone Manager Client, running with a MiVoice 250 System.

We got a basic installation with the vendor, but there's still been a lot of tweaking and configuration, and I've been spending a good bit of time over the past few weeks poking around, getting a feel for the system, software, and configuration, gathering admin info, and making some notes.

One of the things I'm noticing in my testing is that there appear to be two running modes of the Phone Manager Client.  One, without Presence Profiles enabled, runs in a very simple, easy to use mode.  I'll call this Standard.  When I enable Presence Profiles, it works with Dynamic Extension Express (DEE), and a different operating mode is enabled in the Phone Manager Client.  It provides better call routing control, but seems to have a few drawbacks.

In earlier testing, I swear I had this configured so that I could log in to the Phone Manager Client in either mode, depending on whether I entered the extension as the login, or chose override, and entered a username, but I can't seem to get in and out of these modes anymore like before.  It's one or the other, depending on the Presence Profiles setting in the Client Profile on MCS.  I can't figure out how to get in and out of each operating mode now.  If I enable Presence Profiles in the client profile policy, I am now only able to log in to the Phone Manager Client in DEE/Presence Profiles mode.

I thought this was handy, as there are some times I would prefer the lighter functionality, and I think there are some users who won't need or use Presence Profiles, so this would be easier for them.  I would like them to be able to have either option, though, without me having to go to the server to adjust their profile settings.

Sort of a side note here with use of Dynamic Extension Express (DEE) enabled -- Hands Free doesn't seem to work with DEE enabled.  On IC, Users' phones ring and they have to pick up, which isn't ideal for internal calls when they're in their offices.  I understand why it works this way - call routing, I believe, and I can see where this may also be handy for when they're away from their desks but have their cells with them.  I plan to experiment a bit with this in use of a DEE button on the user's phone, so that when they're in the office, they can easily disable DEE for the benefits of Hands Free.

Phone Manager - Standard Mode
(Note presence of Out of Office and Forwarding options in the toolbar)

Phone Manager - Presence Profiles Enabled
(Out of Office and Forwarding controlled in the Presence Profile configuration)

TE - that is exactly what I was looking for, thanks very much!

I made that adjustment, ran a couple of test calls and it's working as desired now.

Yes, I did notice pretty early on that DEE affects IC.

I'm a little unclear as to what's what with MCS.  There seems to be two operating modes, one that offers Presence Profiles with the Phone Manager Client, and another that's just standard phone controls like DND, FWD, etc.  I'll create another thread with that.

Hey Darwin, did you get this sorted?
I'm working on a similar issue.

We just got setup with a MiVoice Office 250 system.
I'm having a spot of trouble with the Announced Transfer feature.

Internal IC calls work Hands Free, no problem, but when we try to transfer calls from Reception with the Transfer Button, it no longer rings the Staff Destination Hands Free IC for the announce part of the call.  They have to pickup, or press the speaker button.

Here's an example:
  • A caller rings in to Reception
  • Reception answers, presses Transfer, enters Staff Extension.
  • Staff phone rings, but not hands free.  They have to pickup, press speaker button.
  • Once they do, Reception announces the call
  • Reception hangs up, and the call transfers
  • Staff has to press the call button to pickup the call

Ideally we want it work like this:
  • Call comes in to Reception
  • Reception presses Transfer button, enters Staff extension
  • Staff phone rings hands free IC, and Reception announces the call
  • If accepted, Reception hangs up, call transfers to Staff
  • Staff picks up the call by lifting handset, pressing Speaker or Call button

I've done some reading and can't quite seem to find this scenario or how to configure it.  I feel like I'm close to getting it sorted with Flags, but can't quite seem to find it.

We are also using MCS on the back end, but Dynamic Extension Express is not enabled yet.

Any ideas on this?  Seems like I'm missing something simple.

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