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Messages - michaelFF

Pages: [1]
Tech Electronics,

I have been looking all over the internet for basic instructions for using a Mitel 250/5000 with Twilio Elastic SIP trunking, and this document essentially is the best resource that I found. Thank you.

I was able to get both inbound and outbound working, and when it works, it works great. But there is one issue that reoccurs and I'm not sure what is causing it. The system, the Twilio SIP trunk, our internet connection?

What happens is that after a period of a few weeks, usually 2-3, suddenly the outbound calling stops working. Inbound continues working perfectly fine. When trying to make an outbound call on the SIP trunk, the phone flashes and give the error "TG 92006 IS UNPLUGGED". TG 92006 is the trunk group setup with the Twilio sip trunk. I initially had no idea how to resolve the issue, I went as far as recreating the trunk group. Nothing worked. And then I simply restarted the PBX and it worked again for outbound. For another few weeks.

In the Mitel system, I saw that when the outbound on the SIP trunk is not working, the SIP Trunk is set to “Out-of-Service”. So I switched the SIP trunk into Maintenance Out-of-Service and then back to In-Service. I then dialed 92006 and got a dial-tone. I proceeded to dial a phone number, and it seemed to sit there (no dialing sound, no sound at all) as if it was waiting. After about twenty seconds  it gives the error “DESTINATION IS NOT RESPONDING”.

After a couple tries like this, it then begins to give the TG 92006 IS UNPLUGGED error again. This seems to be the point at which the SIP Trunk switches itself to “Out-of-Service”.

I can repeat the above and reproduce this sequence each time. Nothing seems to get the outbound dialing working except for restarting the system. And as to what is the cause ... I wish I knew.

I did this while looking at the SIP logs. The only thing I saw that seemed to coincide with the outbound dialing attempts when they are failing, is the following error:

-01:762- 21:08 07-09 M6127 WRN EG CP SIP - sip_interface_device_t::send_INVITE error during send

So I'm wondering if anyone else who has gotten Mitel 250/5000 to work with Twilio Elastic SIP trunking has experienced this, or might have any idea why this is happening. I'm also wondering (and toying with the idea), that if, in fact, the only resolution to this problem is a restart of the system, if I can set/program the system to reboot itself on a daily basis, say at 5am in the morning. Either in the system or just connect the PBX to something like a programmed power outlet that cuts power once daily for 15 seconds.

Because except for this one problem, it works completely and perfectly fine the rest of the time. We are on voice processor version and db programming version

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: SIP Trunking Issue / Question
« on: April 30, 2018, 10:23:58 AM »
For what it's worth, I'm in the same boat as niddnet was. The Mitel 5000 (MiVoice 250) has worked great for us, but we're looking to switch from a Comcast PRI trunk to a Twilio SIP trunk. We haven't gotten it to work after several hours of trying.

I was hoping when I first found this thread that there had been some resolution, whether good or bad. I'm going to assume niddnet never got it working.

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