« on: March 24, 2018, 06:06:26 AM »
Hi lpescudeiro & c1tyfan,
The company I work for also recently purchased a 3cx... We were going to use the 3cx client until I thought we may be able to re utilize our Mitel phones for SIP.
I am working in an enviroment with a mix of 5360,5340,5330
Let me start by stating I still have a problem with BLF. I can not get it to consistently work between extensions but.
The second little issue I have dealt with is the phones don't always consistently boot up after they've talked to the TFTP server. The TFTP server has to be shut off and then all the phones will come up. (this is OK as the phones always boot up with their last config and still work properly TFTP server needs to be turned back on to push an update.)
Everything else is working speed dials, ext to ext. auto dial, voicemail messaging light, trans/conf. NO MORE DIALING 9 or what have you. The other nice thing is you can use the 3cx client to monitor extension (form of BLF) and you can make calls from the 3cx client to your Mitel phone.
With that said let me give you the steps to try and get your phones up and running.
List of things you will need.
1. TFTP server (I utilize TFTPd32)
2. Latest firmware from Mitel. (If you cant access i can try getting you a link to the firmware files.)
3. Manually turn phone to sip and point to TFTP server.
Changing phone to SIP
1. Reboot the phone.
2. As the phone is beginning to boot back up hold *7 until the phone states *CHANGE CONFIRMED* (This is changing the phone from Minet to SIP)
Manually entering TFTP server
1. Reboot the phone
2. As the phone is beginning to boot back up hold both the up and down arrow key
3. Select Network Parameters.
4. Select Modify Network Parameters * for yes.
5. Press down arrow to TFTP SVR IP ADDRESS, enter IP address x.x.x.x * to go back if needed and # for (.)
6. Scroll down until it states save changes * for yes and then * to reboot.
Using DHCP options
1. Depending on what you are using for DHCP build the following DHCP options.
Option 66, IP format x.x.x.x
Option 128 IP format x.x.x.x
This will allow the phone to dynamically receive the TFTP server every time it reboots and easily allows you to change it in the future if needed.
Setup TFTP server
Turn on your preferred TFTP server and point to a directory where you will be storing all files. Confirm you have the correct IP interface selected.
Known files needed & Firmware needed in directory
MN_Generic.cfg (This is the generic file the Mitel SIP device pulls to see basic settings.)
MN_<macaddress>.cfg (This file overwrite MN_Generic.cfg and sets the phone up for all of its settings speedial, vmkey, user profile settings, etc)
Ive attached and example address of MN_generic.cfg and a MN_<macaddress>.cfg
under the MN mac address file make sure to put the proper Main and Boot version. Please watch for my notes on the config file.
It wont allow me so I will find another way tomorrow.