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Messages - nsguru

Pages: [1]
SIP On Mitel / Re: 5360 SIP Mitel changing screensaver
« on: April 18, 2018, 04:55:26 PM »
odd do you have an example of the files it pulls for this? I dont have anything for it on the TFTP server today.

SIP On Mitel / Re: convert mitel 5330 to sip mode
« on: April 05, 2018, 11:52:43 AM »
odd i was able to get the files from their site and they work for me with no issues.  have an office with a total of 37 phones and their running like champs through SIP.

SIP On Mitel / Re: Error on SIP Mitel-5320
« on: April 05, 2018, 11:51:33 AM »
Maybe try pulling the latest SIP firmware for the 53xx SIP phones from the mitel website. They should be free to download youll need to set the option code on your DHCP server for TFTP and create a TFTP server for the phone to go and pull. During the phones boot up process it will see this and go grab the firmware from the server.

SIP On Mitel / Re: Mitel 5330 in SIP mode not updating time from NTP
« on: March 30, 2018, 08:58:13 PM »
This sounds like a gateway issue. The phones may be on a vlan where they cannot properly get out to the internet and reach

SIP On Mitel / Re: Error on SIP Mitel-5320
« on: March 30, 2018, 08:54:05 PM »
Have you tried to factory default the phone yet and then reconfigure it with the sip settings again? 

Reboot phone. Hold up and down volume key at the same time. Once the menu screen pops up select no until you reach "Tools and Features" select yes * , no until you reach "restore defaults" then select yes * , Confirm *. this should factory default the phone, when its rebooting hold down * and 7 to get it to go back into SIP mode (you may have to unplug the phone to get it back in SIP mode if you miss the * and 7.)

SIP On Mitel / Re: convert mitel 5330 to sip mode
« on: March 30, 2018, 08:46:06 PM »
John is correct. I faced this issue at first when i converted mitel phones but found it was due to insufficient files being pulled by the SIP phone what are you using for the phones FTP/TFTP server? If you have a mitel login you should be able to easily pull the latest files for SIP even though they stopped supporting SIP awhile ago.

to get to the browser of the phone it is http://ip address of phone

SIP On Mitel / Re: 5330 Handsets and SIP configuration
« on: March 24, 2018, 06:06:26 AM »
Hi lpescudeiro & c1tyfan,

The company I work for also recently purchased a 3cx... We were going to use the 3cx client until I thought we may be able to re utilize our  Mitel phones for SIP.

I am working in an enviroment with a mix of 5360,5340,5330

Let me start by stating I still have a problem with BLF. I can not get it to consistently work between extensions but.
The second little issue I have dealt with is the phones don't always consistently boot up after they've talked to the TFTP server. The TFTP server has to be shut off and then all the phones will come up. (this is OK as the phones always boot up with their last config and still work properly TFTP server needs to be turned back on to push an update.)

 Everything else is working speed dials, ext to ext. auto dial, voicemail messaging light, trans/conf. NO MORE DIALING 9 or what have you.  The other nice thing is you can use the 3cx client to monitor extension (form of BLF) and you can make calls from the 3cx client to your Mitel phone. 

With that said let me give you the steps to try and get your phones up and running.

List of things you will need.

1. TFTP server (I utilize TFTPd32)
2. Latest firmware from Mitel. (If you cant access i can try getting you a link to the firmware files.)
3. Manually turn phone to sip and point to TFTP server. 

Changing phone to SIP
1. Reboot the phone.
2. As the phone is beginning to boot back up hold *7 until the phone states *CHANGE CONFIRMED* (This is changing the phone from Minet to SIP)

Manually entering TFTP server

1. Reboot the phone
2. As the phone is beginning to boot back up hold both the up and down arrow key
3. Select Network Parameters.
4. Select Modify Network Parameters  * for yes.
5. Press down arrow to TFTP SVR IP ADDRESS, enter IP address x.x.x.x   * to go back if needed and # for (.)
6. Scroll down until it states save changes * for yes and then * to reboot.

Using DHCP options

1. Depending on what you are using for DHCP build the following DHCP options.

Option 66,  IP format x.x.x.x
Option 128 IP format x.x.x.x

This will allow the phone to dynamically receive the TFTP server every time it reboots and easily allows you to change it in the future if needed. 

Setup TFTP server

Turn on your preferred TFTP server and point to a directory where you will be storing all files. Confirm you have the correct IP interface selected.

Known files needed & Firmware needed in directory

MN_Generic.cfg (This is the generic file the Mitel SIP device pulls to see basic settings.)
MN_<macaddress>.cfg (This file overwrite MN_Generic.cfg and sets the phone up for all of its settings speedial, vmkey, user profile settings, etc)

Ive attached and example address of MN_generic.cfg and a MN_<macaddress>.cfg

under the MN mac address file make sure to put the proper Main and Boot version. Please watch for my notes on the config file.

It wont allow me so I will find another way tomorrow.

SIP On Mitel / 5360 SIP Mitel changing screensaver
« on: March 22, 2018, 02:30:53 PM »
Hi all,

is it possible to upload my spx file to my 5360 screensaver without having it communicate to a Mitel controller? Ive used HTML toolkit and have built my package. Everything i have read says i need a mitel controller to get the 5360 to pull the file is there any other way? let me know thank you.

SIP On Mitel / Re: Mitel 53xx phones and DHCP/TFTP issues
« on: March 20, 2018, 05:58:55 PM »
Hi all,

I wanted to request info on this topic as well. The company I am trying to set phones up for has 5330,5340 and 5360 phones. I have boot load version on all phones. The 5360s use Main Load Version L2boot version and 5330/40 uses L2boot version

I have setup a TFTP server which has what i believe is all the necessary files. I am also using the TFTP server to push the configuration of the files. MN_<mac>.cfg

My problem that I am having is that the phones do not boot up all the way, they're getting stuck at downloading SIP ... 4 ...

I have tried to reboot multiple times and have gone through the config file to try and fix the issue but im not seeing anything.

If i turn off the TFTP server and then boot the phones they then come up with all of their config, blf keys can call inbound outbound all is working properly.

What could i be missing please help.

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