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Messages - Rocky

Pages: [1]
Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: How to set an overhead page key,
« on: February 01, 2018, 01:25:45 PM »
Overhead page on an external PA system accessible by a trunk? If so, that is how ours is set up and we use # and * in our user speedcall. What we found was that it was dialing too fast for the PA system to comprehend, so we added a pause (P) to the string.

Example: 33P#1000*

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Static/White Noise on Internal Call
« on: February 01, 2018, 07:59:18 AM »
Those calls look rock solid on the IP side according to VQ states... I would agree with Vince and perform a reboot, just a programmed reboot overnight should suffice.

Otherwise, look into other things... Is this a virtual or physical platform?

Interesting, especially since I just picked up a rare ticket about a quality issue that like yours doesn't seem to be one I can pin on the carrier, and which also doesn't appear IP related.
In this case, you have a caller being put through to the voicemail when suddenly you have junk packets coming through - where is the voicemail? Is it embedded or NuPoint?
Sounds like something isn't unpacking a codec properly. Or not packing it properly in the first place.
Also, my "try a reboot" was much more relevant to it being a physical controller. I should have asked AceJavelin's question first.

Our system has two 3300 CX II Gateways and a virtual server, MiCollab with Voice

 I will have it reboot tonight :) Should I be doing that on the regular? Uptime right now is 258 days. On another topic, is there a guide somewhere on updating the server? I'm sure there is a newer version out there, and we purchase Mitel Software Assurance, but I am not sure where to get the software updates.

Voicemail is NuPoint, Build:

I would check you bandwidth , it sounds like it's insuficent for your call volume . I would also check your router settings .

Bandwidth to this particular switch stack is currently a 2Gb LAG. It has a 30Mb/s base rate (IP cameras) and max burst speed of 73Mb/s in addition to base, so about 5% of the available bandwidth. The traffic sensor on the core shows that the phone VLAN has a peak of 703Kb/s.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Static/White Noise on Internal Call
« on: January 31, 2018, 04:18:31 PM »

We are experiencing occasional one way audio and white noise/static on our system, which is a 3300 with 5320e/30e/40e phones. My users are writing down timestamps when they have trouble, and we've been using that to check he Voice Quality Statistics logs. In a couple of these instances, it was obviously a network issue as there were a handful of dropped packets during the call. However, some incidents have 0 dropped packets, but still experience audio issues. Today, a user left a voicemail for me saying that people calling in were getting cut off when she herself got cut off by heavy static during the voicemail. This is the first time we aware of an issue during an internal call, all previous complaints were for inbound/outbound calls.  Looking at the logs, there aren't any dropped packets for this particular call either. We have replaced the phone cord with a new one... where it passed through the slot in the base it looked a little rough as it was being pinched, but that was before the call this morning, so obviously wasn't the culprit. This particular set is a 5340e w/ sidecar so I don't have an available like unit to swap it out with, we only have two of these in use at our facility. Any ideas on what we should be looking at?

This is the MP3 of the voicemail the caller left me:

This is the Voice Quality Statistics of the call (highlighted blue):

Thanks for any assistance!

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