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Messages - StevenH510

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Also, with credit from

They outlined the fix that can be deployed as well;

Add the following reg key and then restart chrome.

Go there to show it worked:

See details here.

Just got back from leave and seeing the same thing again!

I'll raise with our service providers and see what's happening Mitel's side.

Again, only work around would be to install Firefox at the moment!


No problem Chicken :)

As for the above, I thought it was going well, until the user base started complaining.

Looks like setting the flag is the only way.


Good morning,

I've had an update for this: Looks like there is an issue with SignalR in .NET. Microsoft are aware and will be resolving in a later .NET lilbrary update. Mitel will take this update and incorp into a later version of MICC.

So for the time being, it looks like the fix for the Flags is the workaround until patches are released, tested and applied.

I'll post if I hear anymore.


I noticed that when I've been trying it on our test users with the switch, even though the flag isn't set in Chrome, it still seems to be behaving correctly and I'm not seeing the timeouts in the Chrome console, but that could be a false positive, I'll continue to monitor.

Thanks for the link, we'll see what happens.


And my feedback as promised.

I've deployed this fix in our test environment with a group of five agents in, and no reports of drops for the first 4 hours of this morning.

As I've got 76 Agents to deal with, sadly there is no way to deploy this fix via GPO at the moment, so I'm experimenting with changing the Chrome shortcuts to include the "--disable-background-timer-throttling" with another group of users, I'll feedback this result shortly.

Good morning Chicken, nice one on the Chrome bug submission, hopefully we'll get some results.


Hi sarond,

Many thanks for the update on this one!

I'll apply the changes within our test environment and will feedback.


It's either, downgrade Chrome, or update to Windows 10 20H2. As far as I know, it works on 20H2 with the latest version of Chrome unless we hear otherwise.

I'm afraid I haven't got access to Mitel's portal, but I'd assume there's a published known error for it.


Good Morning,

We are having the same issues on our site, we have a call logged with our supplier who in turn has raised this with Mitel.

As above it affects Chrome V88 & above, and all versions of Windows 10 apart from 20H2. If you use Firefox there is no issue, until potentially they publish an bug fix around timers that might cause it, I'm sure someone here might even be able to mention which CVE for Chrome has created this issue.

If you F12 in Chrome and view the console you can see the errors that are occurring and they're around some timeout call. We found the issues reduced slightly when we turned off our Cloudlink too, but this isn't a fix! We need Cloudlink, and the latest version of Chrome in our estate for other applications.

I would suggest that you log a call with your provider and get them to push it further with Mitel for a resolution.

Hope that helps.

Many Thanks


EDIT: Please see attached what we see in our Chrome Console

Hi Adrian,

I'll PM you later a example of our COS for Agents, hopefully that might help you :)



Hi there acloghesy,

We've had roughly the same problems on our system when we were going live with classification codes.

I take it all the account codes are within YourSite explorer with "Use as classification code" selected to "Yes" and that the security roles are configured? Have you got any account code groups configured for you site?

For our security roles, I've attached an image of the config for us.



Mitel Software Applications / Re: Whisper Announcement
« on: March 13, 2018, 09:44:41 AM »
No probs Jason,

It's interesting you have the same issue with MiCloud.

I've raised a design fault directly with Mitel on this one and awaiting feedback.




We've seen the same issues around the desktop client of Ignite, and strangely enough when a member of Mitel's technical team came on site, his client behaved in the same way on the projector during a demostration.

Sadly after raising this as a fault with our 3rd party suppliers we were told to migrate away from Desktop and start using the web client.

The problem for us is we need to enforce all calls to be classified with account codes at the end of the calls, and agents just weren't able to do so.

Sorry I can't answer a work around, but be assured your not the only one with this problem, it occurs on all our Windows 7, Windows 10 Desktops & also in our VDI solution with the same OS's.



Mitel Software Applications / Re: Whisper Announcement
« on: February 26, 2018, 11:11:05 AM »
Interesting to hear that, I just can't get it to behave in the way stated in the documentation. I've seen the same problem with the Agent annoucement ports not picking up the DNIS, even though they were in the correct COS that they needed to be in. Sadly the answer from our supplier on this instance is that the documentation is incorrect. Out of interest are you using a 3300 ISS VM?


Mitel Software Applications / Re: Whisper Announcement
« on: February 19, 2018, 11:27:14 AM »
Hi Eugenej,

I do apologise as I spent that much time thinking out what to type I think I got the original post wrapped around my neck abit.

Basically, our current solution which isn't Mitel works by delivering an whisper to the agent before the call is put through to them.

We've had MiContact Centre installed & even though the documentation says it should work how I've described it, it doesn't and never has, when it plays the whisper it plays it to both customer & agent, even though the 'Agent Only' option is enabled within the Agent Workflow, also you can hear background noise of the contact centre before the whisper is played (when the agent has Auto-Answer enabled).

I was just fact finding really, as this is the only implementation of Whisper announcement I've worked with, I just wondered if (& how) others deliver whisper announcements to their agents.

Thanks for reading :)


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