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Messages - rhenarie

Pages: [1]
I do have a Router in the mix. 

Looking into the tagging of the port aspect now. 
As for this, yes, if we untag the port, then yes, we are able to get to it in that manner, but we lose connectivity to the phones and phones do not obtain DHCP info.

The odd thing is, from vlan1, I am able to ping all the phones on which get their DHCP address from the 3300 on vlan2 and the "pass-through/switch port" on the phones allow data so the routing seems fine.

I just cannot ping nor reach the 3300 from the data vlan.


I have a 3300 MXe III in which I am unable to communicate with from my "data" network (default VLAN 1 phone system on different subnet on VLAN 2).  The system is working fine with the exception of being able to administer from a different sub-net.  Here is the config of the switchport my 3300 is connected to:

interface GigabitEthernet1/0/45
switchport access vlan 2
switchport mode access
switchport voice vlan 2
priority-queue out
mls qos trust dscp
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree bpduguard enable

I am able to connect a laptop to the second port on the 3300 and administer it, but not from across VLANs.

What am I missing here?

Wondering if this issue got resolved as I am having this same problem in which I am unable to communicate with my 3300 via data network.  I am able to ping phones within the same subnet, but not my 3300. 

Also, what would be the effects of changing ip address of the L2 Switch back to (if able to)?
Would that prevent me from connecting a laptop to the secondary port to administer the device?

Side Note: someone mentioned above that it could be a Spanning Tree issue, RSTP is disabled on my system.

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