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Messages - Kdh2234

Pages: [1]
Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: AMC Alert
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:10:19 PM »
We use a cloud base firewall and all our locations route out our co-location / cloud firewall, the DMZ aspects of the MITEL setup shouldn't and don't have anything blocked. As well as on our SIP VLAN side nothing outbound would be blocked so all our MITEL VLAN's have nothing blocked out bound. Doing that ping test on the URL does reply back on all MITEL aspect VLAN's and i currently have a probe sitting pinging that request at the moment to see how reliable it is.

Since the start of this post, I've got another 5 more emails about the AMC alert

at each location we are using vMBG

Thanks everyone for the reply's! i appreciate it!

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / AMC Alert
« on: November 22, 2016, 10:52:54 AM »
Hello Everyone,

Currently in need of dire understanding / help as our mitel vendor cannot seem to give us a straight answer other then "we aren't sure what to tell you". About a few weeks ago our vendor upgraded our our mitel system and since then we are now currently are getting slammed with email notifications about a "AMC Alert - 92475632 SYNC failure notification (Tue Nov 22 15:33:24 2016 GMT)" and it's going off constantly thru out the day here. We have a Mitel 3300 virtual system with many locations running this virtual system all communicating back to our co-location all over a MPLS. Nothing changed on our network side, been running this setup for a few years now and besides the issues with mitel licensing servers everything has seemed okay on the communication side till now.

Our vendor tell us it's a issue with mitel AMC,  that doing a manual sync on the system works fine. That mitel is having some major issues with the AMC right now, but this has been going on for days now and it's driving us at IT nuts and would just like a idea of what's going on! Below is a direct copy of the error email:

AMC Alert Generated Tue Nov 22 15:33:24 2016 (GMT).

Application Record: 92475632 (vMBG SIP Proxy @companylocation)
Company: @mycompany

Syncronization Alert Description
As of 2016-11-22 15:33:25 (GMT), application record 92475632
has missed its regularly scheduled synchronization.

This server is scheduled to perform its SYNC operation
once every 24 hours, but has not done so
since 2016-11-21 08:19:09 (GMT).

Now we get a few of these from various locations but not all locations which seems odd, If anyone can shed any kind of light on this that would be great, we've been having a lot of vendor issues and trusting there problem solving as we've had to prove countless times they were in the wrong and wouldn't be surprised if this was like that. I can give more detail if needed and my apologies if this is in the wrong location.


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