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Messages - AdamG

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thanks Sarond, greatly appreciated!

Mitel Software Applications / Account Code Groups (YourSite Explorer)
« on: July 18, 2016, 10:21:49 AM »
Hi guys,

Just looking for some clarification on how to use AC Groups.

what i'm looking for is having a different list of Codes per team in my Contact Centre as opposed to a universal list (as per Make Busy/DND Codes). Is this possible through Account Code Groups?

thanks in advance,

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / RAD Port or MCD Mailbox License
« on: June 29, 2016, 11:26:06 AM »
Hi guys,

We've recently upgraded to 3300 and have had an external company record some marketing messages for us to play whilst Customers queue. in order to get these active we've been given the decision to either turn some of our IVR Ports to RAD Ports or buy an MCD Mailbox License.

Both cost around the same and we have enough IVR Ports free to use so both are viable options but I'm just wondering if anybody here has any experience with both and could let me know of any pros/cons of each?

thanks in advance!

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Mute when not on phone
« on: June 28, 2016, 07:21:48 AM »
hi guys,

new to the forum but I'm wondering if anybody here can assist. recently moved our telephony form an older Mitel system to 3300 (using 5320e IP phones).

we never used to have our agents auto-answer calls so chit-chat around the office was broken up by the ringing of a phone. The issue now is that if someone is having a conversation and a call comes through a customer is potentially hearing the tail end of somebody's story about their weekend etc.

my question is:

is there a way of muting the phone when a line isn't actually open? our agents use headsets so would be ideal to be able to add a key to mute the line, the agent gets a beep in their ear and can take themselves off of mute to speak to our customers.

thanks in advance!

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