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Messages - ispt

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We have a custom company-wide greeting that plays before personal greeting as well as an after-hours announcement....where are these files stored on the Mitel system?

We're on MiCollab 8.1 / MiVoice Business 9.0  - any help would be appreciated!

Thanks all!

Thanks Ralph,

We are ok with purchasing it through a VAR - can a VAR just sell me the licensing and we add it to the system? If it's as i'd hope, just a matter of installing a new license file or something similar in nature, i'd like to perform it myself rather than paying 50% on top of the license cost to the VAR...

Hi, can someone help answering this?

We have a managed Mitel PBX - where we do day-to-day tasks and 3rd party provides service/support - we have ran out of "multi-device" licensing (mitel part #54005328) - 3rd party wants to charge us an excessive amount of $ for adding the licenses (on top of the cost of licensing itself)- can someone guild me on how to add the licenses to vMCD? Or is it a task better left off to the vendor.


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Time off on the phones
« on: March 24, 2017, 11:32:46 AM »
Yes it's virtual!

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Time off on the phones
« on: March 24, 2017, 10:05:23 AM »

Our phones are about 10 minutes off...

We are on MiVoice 7.2 SP1

When i go to "Date and Time" settings i see that NTP Sync is enabled and set up to sync with our internal NTP server... however... when i go to "Change" the only option i can actually change is the time zone, the dialog box lacks of controls to change anything else (like disable NTP, change NTP server address etc...) moreover when i go to maintenance logs ... it does not have any entries related to time/NTP... can you point me to a possible way of dealing with this?


Would like to know the answer as well

Version on our MAS is signed on "Friday, ‎March ‎25, ‎2016" and it's still looking for Lync that has been renamed to Skype for Business well over a year ago.....

i used http: <server>/wd/MCAClient.exe link to download the installer

SIP On Mitel / UC360 joining Micollab Video Conference
« on: June 23, 2016, 09:55:10 AM »
I have just ungraded firmware to the latest build hoping it would fix the behavior we have been experiencing with UC360: when UC360 is a node on Micollab Video conference, the unit only displays 1 remote client's video... so no multi-party video conferences are possible (in a scenario where there's one UC360 and multiple PC AWC clients joining)

I hope it's me doing something wrong and it's not what i'd consider a fatal-flaw of UC360 - does anyone have a better experience with this?



We use Landesk to deploy software - I'm currently working on deploying MCA clients - the main one (UnifiedCommunicatorAdvanced.msi) can be deployed without any issues, i'm stalled on trying to deploy the AWC - it comes as .exe - trying to run it with /S /v/qn switches as per installer instructions, it fails with error 1619... i extracted the .msi from the .exe wrapper - but it also fails (for no apparent reason) when we try to deploy it. Local installation works fine (for both .exe and .msi) - does anyone have any ideas how to deploy this software?


We have a compliance requirement to monitor/archive all electronic communications...which prevents us from using UCA/MiCollab at the moment (i know chat logs can be extracted from MBG). Is there a way to globally disable chat function? (without affecting Conferencing Bridge).


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