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Messages - mhagadone

Pages: [1]
I like the idea of a the phantom extension. While the speed call approach seems more locked down, and i know never to  trust a user not to screw something up, I like the UE of searching for the person in the phone book and dialing the ext.

But, I have to be honest. I have no idea what you mean by "...mak[ing] a web user with Extension Programming...". I'm not looking for a spoon, were all busy. Maybe just smaller bites... 

Is there anything I could provide that would help you help me figure this out?

V/R, Mathew

Hello Ralph, I understand the ext. I want to use can't be a speed call and a phantom device ext. Is there away to make the speed call ext show up in the phone book like an actuall ext? That way users can find the ext in the phone book from the phone.

I was able to setup the Phantom Ext (Name, 3 digits, No device, ACD Agent). I found the System Speed Call Assignment form and create a fake speed call that routed to my cell. Thank you.

Now I want to do it for real and link the phantom to the speed call. When I fill in the Speed Call form with the same 3 digits from the phantom ext in Speed Call Number field, the cell number (9+1+10) in Actual Number field, No for Toll and S/C for type I get an error, "The directory number is defined elsewhere." I'm interpreting this as a conflict between the value in the Speed Call field on the Speed Call form and the Phantom extension under User Configuration, correct? If so, how do I set it where people can search for the user in the phone book from their desk phone and dial the same ext?

First off thank you x-man and acejavelin for responding much quicker than I expected. I probably also should have mentioned I have been working with the PBX for only 4 months. I can add a user, change out a phone and add a button. Beyond that....

x-man, When you say "phantom extension" do you mean under Telephone Directory Manager > User Configuration? On that page for the extention I have a Name, Number, turned off the Embedded VM and Desktop Tool Access.  I do have Hot Desk User set up (which I'm sure is wrong). But I haven't messed with the Class of Service or Class for Restriction. Do I define the speed call somewhere else and link using the "Class" settings?

acejavelin, I don't need the extention to be part of the Hunt, Ring, Page groups. Really what I am imaging is the kind of functionality that allows for 1) a call comes in and I can forward the call to the 3 digit extention: 2) I can call the cell from an internal phone with only using the 3 digits. Would the system speed call do the trick?

Hello, my name is Mathew and I'm a new member. Please forgive me if this should have been posted somewhere else.

I would like to have all internal and external calls route directly to a cell phone without a physical desk phone. I am using a 3300 4.0 running Can this be done? How would I set it up?



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