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Messages - jeyton

Pages: [1]
Thats a great idea dwayneg, thanks!

Thanks, we currently log into the web interface as the extension and editing the forwarding number from there. I was hoping to create an application to select the person to assign for the forwarding destination, then the engineers can hit apply to set that for the extension. That would kick off an ssh connection to the Mitel and run the commands necessary to apply the forwarding number to the specified extension. However based on these responses I may simply wrap a web browser into the application and attempt to set an auto logon in the program. Then merely display instructions for how to navigate the web interface with a list of engineers and their numbers for setting the destination.

Hmm, thank you for your candor and reply. I will be working with our internal certified technician, however he did know the answer to this nor even that there was a programmers interface application. What I am reading from your response is not that its not possible but that its not best practice to be done, is that correct?

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Change Extension Call Forwarding from CLI
« on: September 23, 2015, 12:24:48 PM »
Hi I am new to Mitel, I would like to know if its possible and possibly get some information on changing the forwarding destination for an extension from command line. I am attempting to write an application that connects to our Mitel5000 over ssh and can change forwarding on certain extensions for on-call purposes. I did some digging through the manuals but couldn't find much about doing this from the command line.

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