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Messages - harrisskip

Pages: [1]
Mitel SX200, SX2000, and older SX platforms / Re: SX-2000 Light DBMS Save
« on: October 06, 2015, 12:04:08 PM »
Lundah, thanks for your help.  I never would have figured this out without your help.  My issue was most likely due to having the wrong FTP Server IP address specified.  I also reset the password so that I would know what it was.

Mitel SX200, SX2000, and older SX platforms / Re: SX-2000 Light DBMS Save
« on: October 05, 2015, 12:28:42 PM »
I updated server and password on both planes.  How do I re-load the MC3E?  Can this be done at anytime without interrupting calls?  Thanks for all of your help thus far.  It's nice being able to get some answers.

Mitel SX200, SX2000, and older SX platforms / Re: SX-2000 Light DBMS Save
« on: September 09, 2015, 02:59:01 PM »
Is there a way to see the ftp password for mnms?  How do I reset it?

Mitel SX200, SX2000, and older SX platforms / Re: SX-2000 Light DBMS Save
« on: September 09, 2015, 11:10:10 AM »
It is a redundant system and it happens on both planes.  How do I choose to backup to RSD?  Also, how do I confirm what credentials are being used for FTP to OPSManager?

Mitel SX200, SX2000, and older SX platforms / Re: SX-2000 Light DBMS Save
« on: September 08, 2015, 12:14:09 PM »
This is from a log file I found.  I found similar entries in Windows Event logs, but they really don't tell me anything more than this.

5518 OPSMaintainer 2015/09/08 10:51:31:753 @FILE:<NTLOG> LINE:<0> LOG: Backup completed successfully. ~&^                                                                                                                                                                                                 
5519 OPSSoftware 2015/09/08 10:52:18:409 @FILE:<NTLOG> LINE:<0> LOG: adbrhdlr.c-4956-Initializing ~&^                                                                                                                                                                                                     
5520 OPSMaintainer 2015/09/08 10:52:18:753 @FILE:<NTLOG> LINE:<0> LOG: <dbmssave> noranda started ~&^                                                                                                                                                                                                     
5521 OPSSoftware 2015/09/08 10:52:18:753 @FILE:<NTLOG> LINE:<0> LOG: adbrhdlr.c-1811-<dbmssave> noranda started ~&^                                                                                                                                                                                       
5522 OPSMaintainer 2015/09/08 10:58:47:190 @FILE:<NTLOG> LINE:<0> LOG: <Noranda> ADBR-abort:(Noranda) DBMS SAVE failed.  <ADBRabort>

 aborted ~&^                                                                                                                                                       
5523 OPSSoftware 2015/09/08 10:58:47:190 @FILE:<NTLOG> LINE:<0> LOG: adbrhdlr.c-1313-<Noranda> ADBR-abort:(Noranda) DBMS SAVE failed.  <ADBRabort>

 aborted ~&^                                                                                                                                         
5524 OPSSoftware 2015/09/08 10:58:52:221 @FILE:<NTLOG> LINE:<0> LOG: adbrhdlr.c-5295-<dbmssave> noranda aborted ~&^                                                                                                                                                                                       
5525 OPSMaintainer 2015/09/08 10:58:52:221 @FILE:<NTLOG> LINE:<0> LOG: <dbmssave> noranda aborted ~&^   

Mitel SX200, SX2000, and older SX platforms / Re: SX-2000 Light DBMS Save
« on: September 03, 2015, 09:14:52 AM »
DBMS CHECK FULL - No errors.
DBMS SAVE - completed.
DATA SAVE prompts about removing the old data from the catalog.  Is DATA SAVE completely safe?

Mitel SX200, SX2000, and older SX platforms / SX-2000 Light DBMS Save
« on: July 06, 2015, 02:51:22 PM »
We use Mitel Ops Manager to backup the phone system.  The HTML log contains the error below.  Where to I start to troubleshoot?

 DBMS SAVE starting
 Initializing for DBMS SAVE
 Logging onto the maintenance terminal
 Starting DBMS SAVE
 DBMS SAVE info: 10% complete
 DBMS SAVE info: 20% complete
 DBMS SAVE info: 30% complete
 DBMS SAVE info: 40% complete
 DBMS SAVE info: 50% complete
 DBMS SAVE info: 60% complete
 DBMS SAVE info: 70% complete
 DBMS SAVE info: 80% complete
 DBMS SAVE info: 90% complete
 SX2000 Save Completed
 Uploading SX2000 database files
 Error found. Retrying...
 DBMS SAVE failed. 

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