Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: 5330 Assertion error.
« on: April 14, 2015, 10:34:29 PM »Can you post a screen shot of your Option 125 as it is now?I've turned off option 125 at the moment, but it was set up as per http://www.mitelforums.com/articles/3300/Mitel-3300-DHCP-Options.php
Also, I think there was a point where phones would not downgrade past a certain point
I think that your second point is the main issue.
I got the phone to boot by telling it to look for a tftp server that didn't exist. I found this out as I was trying to update the firmware from a tftp server on my computer vs using the one in the 3300 as I wondered if this was the issue. While I was changing setting on the tftp server I had shut it down while the phone was in the reboot loop, and noticed that the phone tried to download the main firmware, which failed and then the phone continued to boot onto the minet without issue.
At this point i can set up everything in MCD without issue.
This phone has software for release MCD5.2 whereas our system is MCD4.2 SP2.
Ultimately I think the issue is a lack of backwards compatibility between the phone and the 3300.
Thanks everyone for your help.