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Messages - MStepan

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Frontline, you rock! Thank you very much! That worked perfectly.

Thanks TE, but I'll respectfully SLIGHTLY disagree with you on the helpfulness of the help ... In lots of cases (not all of course; there ARE times I've found answers), the description in the help is not another level of explanation ...

OK, back to the matter at hand. I have NOT reset the phone flags, but that was the FIRST place I looked. Here's what her flags look like (attachment). What she's telling me is that when a call comes in and she transfers it to an extension (and nobody answers), when it 'rings back' to her, it used to show the length of time it was on hold (another attachment). There's another slight variation where instead of TRANSFERRING, if she puts a call ON HOLD on the target extension, when THAT rings back, it looks slightly different, but also used to show how long. She said the duration used to show in place of one of the top 2 lines of the pictures in the attachments (she couldn't recall if the NAME or NUMBER was replaced with the duration).

Does that help???

If I reset the flags, do I run the risk of messing something ELSE up? (I'd prefer to avoid that if possible: Rifle vs shotgun approach.)

Note that the "Transient Hold Timer" and "Alternate Transient Display Timer" are the ones I was reading on, but the help wasn't helping me as much as I'd hoped ...


Didn't know that. The question remains (since we still have this configuration and our vendor is still supporting it).

Can someone help me find the setting for something that apparently "stopped" about 6 months ago or so? Our receptionist uses an 8560 phone and USED to see on her display how long the caller was on hold when it rings back to her, but sometime in the last few months, that disappeared. I can't locate anything that's helpful or even looks close, but have a hunch it IS out there somewhere.

And along those lines, are the rest of you struggling with Mitel (CP 5000) documentation like I am? Maybe I'm missing it (I hope so actually!), but no offense, I should be able to find answers to technical phone and/or admin questions without asking you ...

Thanks in advance. Sorry for the rant, but if someone has found a site or manual or something that's actually helpful, please let me know.


Hello all, I'm not sure how to start, but it seems like every time I do just about anything with our Mitel CP5000 system, I need help. OK, that part's on me. Learning as I go. But, searching the internet I am struggling constantly to find documentation that's helpful. The specific example: Performing Self-Programming on an 8622 IP Phone. I can't even seem to locate how to navigate the menu, keys, etc. Never mind the settings that I'm supposed to be making. When I search on the internet, it seems like the same (unhelpful) PDFs just keep showing up. THIS is the only place where it seems like I'm able to locate any answers.

So ... I guess I'm asking for 2 things:

1) If you know how to navigate the self-programming on an 8622 phone, I'm basically trying to get it working OUTSIDE our LAN, which means using the system's NAT IP, but when I get into program mode, I think I have to clear the static IP (but can't get past the screen once I wipe the entry), etc.

2) If you know where there are GOOD manuals for administrators (CP5000, ~50 85xx, 53xx phones, a couple of which are INSIDE and soon there will be a couple OUTSIDE the LAN), I'm spending what seems like way too long searching for answers.

Thanks in advance!


Thanks TE ... Sorry for the editorial comment about the length of time it takes (I know it can and does vary). I've been asking our vendor about this for a long time and not getting very good follow-up/through. I'll see if these specifics might help them help me get to something that works ... Thanks again!


From the System Information tab:
> Release version: 6.0 SP3 PR3
> Call processing version

From the Mitel DB Programming Help menu:
> Database Programming Version:
> > DBProgramming.exe
> > CS5000SessMngr.exe
> Call Processing Version:
> Voice Processor Version:
> > Voice Processor: Unified Voice Messaging

I've been looking for this for awhile now and must be either brain-dead or something. We have a Mitel CP5000 on version 6.0. Before we upgraded to 6.0, I had the admin console working fine on a Windows 7 machine and also subsequently after I upgraded it to Windows 10 (I think it might be important to note that it was INSTALLED when the computer was on Win7 but worked fine on Win10 after the Win7-->10 upgrade). So fast-forward a little to the Mitel upgrade from 5.x to 6.0 and the admin tool also has to have a corresponding upgrade. This is where I'm having a hard time believing everything has to lead to a dead-end. The new admin tool won't install on Win10. Really? A full year after Win10 is out? Or am I just not looking in the right place???

Thanks in advance. I've been using a VM running Win7 with the sole purpose of supporting this 1 application. I'd MUCH prefer to just run the app from Win10. Can someone help me with the how-to?


MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: 5340e default button assignments
« on: October 20, 2016, 04:49:13 PM »
Beautiful! Thanks for the help Dwayne.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / 5340e default button assignments
« on: October 20, 2016, 03:21:23 PM »
Help (duh, otherwise why would I be here?)! I have a new 5340e IP phone and am wondering if the 7 default button assignments on the left side (bottom) of page 1 can be changed. I see some verbiage that says they can't but I'm not able to discern if that's just for USERS or also for ADMINISTRATORS (I'm the latter, just getting more familiar every day).

Specifically, there are 22 keys, the top 4 on each side are "context sensitive", which means that DND, Transfer, Hold, Mute, etc, will all be available up there at the appropriate time. On the "idle" display, mine shows DND as the 5th button down on the left side (1st button NOT in the "context sensitive" section) and also as the 2nd button down on the right side of the "context sensitive" section.

I'm not asking about changing the TOP ("context sensitive") but am thinking I SHOULD be able to change the lower 7. If so, how?

Thanks in advance. CP5000 6.0 SP3 PR3.

Thanks dwayneg and acejavelin. I'm going to try to spend some time doing a little more research as soon as I can. To answer your question (ace) relative to who >>>I<<< am, I'm an IT Developer by trade, so am fairly comfortable with programming in general, and getting more and more familiar with the Mitel as we go. With a reasonable level of detail, I can make things happen even if I'm forging into new territory. Thanks a bunch for your ideas. I'll be back as soon as I can ...


I'm looking for some brainstorming for our office's main incoming phone calls. Our receptionist is the primary person that answers our main incoming office line, but we're not large enough that she can stay at her desk all the time. That is, she makes copies, etc, such that she isn't always at her desk when the main line rings. Our company has a philosophy of personal touch, so the use of an "auto-attendant" (I think that's what it's called) is out of the question. What we've done to address this currently is to have multiple phones throughout the office all ring when the main line rings. Obviously these are located in places where she's most likely to be (by copiers, etc). But having 8 phones ringing for every inbound call can be a little disruptive for those that are near those phones. Lastly, there are a series of folks that share responsibility for answering the main line when the receptionist is either not available (off, on break, etc) or just swamped with calls.

There. Now that I've described the situation, does anyone have any thoughts, comments, ideas on what we might be able to do? Here are a couple of MY ideas, but I don't know if they're realistic or not.

  • Some form of "pager" that would vibrate or whatever on incoming calls (for use when she walks away from her desk)?
  • I'm sure there are headsets that would enable her to know remotely that there's a call, but can she then use a PHONE that's near where-ever she happens to be to HANDLE the call?

The other factor is that when she's NOT available, we'd need a way for those that are backing her up to be aware of calls and somehow know when to help. Note that this might involve a separate solution (IM, etc).

Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated. Please only offer ideas that you would consider yourself and are practical. Thanks! Mark

I'm dealing with a strange, intermittent issue with a user's headset. We've swapped the headset, the phone, the workstation cable, and the (house) cable back to the patch panel (that then connects to the switch of course). The problem stays with the user, and doesn't appear to move when we use her equipment at another location. So I THINK what I need to do next is actually move her extension from the port to which she's currently connected to another port. Effectively, if x123 is currently connected to and x789 is currently connected to, how would I go about changing x123 to and x789 to Obviously these extensions could have line appearances on other phones, etc, so whatever technique I use to move them either needs to handle that or I will have to address it manually.

Or if you have a better suggestion, I'm all ears for that too!

Thanks, Mark

Absolutely no need to apologize TE ... I appreciate your time and effort. Even UNSUCCESSFUL attempts lead to further understanding. I'd be happy to send additional info from our system's config, although I'm not sure that level of info should be posted to a public forum ... The change required to "convert it" from internal to external (or VV) are NOT onerous. I'd just prefer to NOT have users doing that type of thing (I know I'm sort of preaching to the choir ...).

Thanks again. Mark

See attached pics ... It sits most of the time on "Finding IP ..." then displays "Local IP Card Addr Invalid".

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