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Messages - jcmoffitt

Pages: [1]
Mitel Software Applications / CCM client 7.1 not loading profiles correctly
« on: November 17, 2015, 08:09:23 AM »
Good morning

Some of our res agents are reporting that the CCM client is not loading the profile correctly.  It acts like it loads but the ACD agents grid that shows who is on the phone is not there.  Just a blank screen.  When they try to open the profile and check and uncheck to selections in the profile they get an error when they try to reload it stating that it is already started.  They have a dual screen configuration on their workstations.  I tried rebooting the server but that did not help.  Any help would be appreciated. 

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Auto Dialer Ghost calls
« on: March 16, 2015, 01:59:40 PM »
Run a few test calls:
Call your AA and hang up.  Does it still ring through?


Sorry for the late response.  If I call the AA and hang up the call is dropped. I have also stayed on the line and it goes through the queue and it gets answered.  I say nothing and the res agents hear a dead air and they hang up the call.  The only difference today is that I hung up.  So, the bottom line is this. If the call is dropped it never gets to the res or guest service agents. 

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Auto Dialer Ghost calls
« on: February 02, 2015, 03:09:54 PM »
Is the ghost call coming from the same number all the time?

If it's something dialing you, there isn't much you can do.  The Mitel thinks it's a valid call.
Are the calls front ended by an IVR or Auto Attendant or do the calls ring directly into the ACD path?
If it's ringing to something else first and the caller is simply hang up then there may be some timers that can be adjusted.


Thanks for the response.  All calls get sent to our Mitel controller and then land on our Auto Attendant that has several options.  Our Res agents do log into ACD to receive calls.  The only calls that ring straight through would be DID numbers or local calls.


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Auto Dialer Ghost calls
« on: January 29, 2015, 11:02:57 AM »
Good morning

Please forgive me if this has already been asked and answered.

We have a Mitel 3300 in our call center.  We have approximately 10 reservation agents that are logged on as ACD agents and they receive calls from our 150 TFN's.  We have had an irritating Ghost call problem.  The res agent answers the phone and goes through the announcement they have been instructed to say and then dead air.  No one is there.  So, they waste a lot of time fielding these types of calls.  My Mitel vendor is telling me that there is no way for the Mitel controller to drop these types of calls and not send them to the ACD agents.  We have several locations that have NAVIS which has an IVR that automatically drops dead/ghost calls and they never get to the Res agents at those call centers.

Last year we spoke to someone in one of our northern locations that uses something called RouteIT with ATT (who is our LD and Local PRI providers) to block calls.  When they inputed a couple of numbers that we had identified as a problem number our call reporting from ATT immediately got screwed up and broken.  That took us almost 8 weeks to get it fixed which means ATT had to completely reverse that number from being blocked.  RouteIT is apparently not a viable option to block Ghost calls.

Any assistance would be appreciated. 


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