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Messages - Kaeri

Pages: [1]
TE - Have done the first & second part, but that port mirror sounds like just the thing,  I'll search the site for instructions.

Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction, I'll let you know what I figure out!

Hi TE!

All offsite phones are set the same way, four simple steps!

1) In the Mitel system, they're switched from "Native" to "NAT"
2) The phone itself is reset, then
3) The ICP Address is set to our external IP, and
4) The TFTP SVR IP Address is set to the same external IP

When the phones are taken offsite they get a power brick.  Power brick gets plugged into the electrical port, one LAN cable goes to the phone, the other LAN goes to any open port on their home router.  The phone boots up, reaches out to our external IP and is then provisioned an IP, etc. - no on-site configuration required.  We have a half a dozen phones set up this way - including the Atlanta phone.

Periodically they cycle through a boot on their own, or fall behind with the date/time, but they all otherwise work fine.

Except this one!  This one went through a boot cycle in Feb and hasn't connected since.

Hello TE!

We installed a firewall at the location that eliminated the VPN software client, so I don't know - but I suspect you're right.

Can you think of anything in a bridged modem that would interfere? 

Originally, Comcast still had DHCP turned on in the modem's "virtual" bridge mode - and I was excited because it seemed obvious that was the problem.  Unfortunately, the problem persisted even after we turned the DHCP on the modem off and rebooted the whole system.

Good morning!

We have the Mitel 5000 brain, with multiple 5340 IP phones off-site.

Most are in home offices around the city here – i.e. same ISP (TimeWarner).

One is in a home office hundreds of miles away in Atlanta, Georgia (Comcast).  In late February the Comcast user returned to Georgia from a business trip up here (Rochester, NY) and called because neither her phone nor her VPN software were working anymore.  Both had worked previously, and the VPN software continued to work everywhere except through her home connection.

We were on the cusp of installing a new firewall in her home office, so we ignored the issues for a week and installed the firewall. Firewall now works perfectly, however phone continues to hang on "contacting server".

Had the phone, cords and power brick all shipped back up here.  Configured a new phone, power brick, lan cords, and took them off site and tested – phone works perfectly. Packed it up, shipped it to Atlanta, she connected to her network - no joy, same hang on "Contacting Server".

The Comcast modem is in virtual bridge mode, so they say it is doing absolutely nothing with the traffic. The firewall has a trusted port configured for phone traffic – problem occurs on that port. Also has a port configured wide open (DMZ) in case we need to test anything outside of firewall rules – problem occurs on that port as well.

I suspect the issue is the Comcast connection, particularly since the problem started prior to installing the new firewall, but I'm not sure how to check or test or even what language to use when calling their techs to troubleshoot...

Logs from the firewall:

networkd [eth2 (Trusted Phone)] Interface link status changed to down id="3100-002C"
networkd [eth2 (Trusted Phone)] Interface link status changed to up id="3100-002C"
networkd [eth2 (Trusted Phone)] Interface link status changed to down id="3100-002C"
networkd [eth2 (Trusted Phone)] Interface link status changed to up id="3100-002C"
dhcpd DHCPDISCOVER from 08:00:0f:5c:bd:96 via eth2 id="1600-0066"
dhcpd DHCPOFFER on to 08:00:0f:5c:bd:96 via eth2 id="1600-0065"
dhcpd DHCPREQUEST for ( from 08:00:0f:5c:bd:96 via eth2 id="1600-0066"

10 minutes or so later, this sequence will repeat.

2016-04-06 09:46:17 dhcpd DHCPACK on to 08:00:0f:5c:bd:96 via eth2 id="1600-0065"

TE - fabulous idea!

My power brick died (entire coffee cup spilled into it, ouch) so I've been waiting for a replacement.  It arrived this AM so I will try the set-up tonight and see if it works.

Thanks so much for your help, I'll update this evening / tomorrow AM.


I am *so* sorry for the delayed response, I never got a notice that anyone answered... !

So, step 1: How is your local network setup that the phone is on?

  It's a home network, Verizon Fios 50 MB down / 50 MB up. 

Does your network use VLANs?
  Yes, but not related to the phone system/regular traffic

Do your switches provide LLDP to the phones in order to get DHCP?
  I believe so

When the phones get DHCP do they say missing option 128 or something similar?


Do you see a notice of Bad LAN Link prior to seeing DHCP Discovery the first time?


The phone boots up, then cycles through:

Waiting for 802.1x authentication
Waiting for LLDP
There's something that flashes here, but it's too fast to catch
Waiting for DCHP (Main Ver
VLAN None PRI None (Main Ver
DCHP: Discovery
TFTP: L2Boot
TFTP Server unavailable, continue boot-up
Contacting Server

The screen flashes - when it works, the phone then resolves into the normal extension screen
When it doesn't, it repeats the above.  It may repeat for 5x minutes, or 3x hours... then, at some point, it works.

Hiya!  First post, so be gentle.. :)

We have a Mitel 5000 with offsite phones that - generally - work wonderfully. Every once in awhile, however, they just stop working.  Perfect example - I am working a remote location today, and I have a headset that I wanted to connect to the phone.  Phone was connected remotely and working fine.  I disconnected it, set up the headset, reconnected it... and it's now three hours later. 

I've rebooted the phone here, rebooted the router here, remoted in and rebooted the Mitel and the firewall at the office... no luck.  For a NANO SECOND the phone connected and I saw my extension # and programmed keys.... then the screen flashed and it started cycling again, "Contacting Server," "DHCP Discovery," blah blah blah.

If I leave it, later today or tomorrow or Sunday I will walk by and it will suddenly be connected... but I have no idea what the hiccup is between cycling and then.

Any thoughts or anywhere I can check in the Mitel to see if connections are coming through and being rejected...?

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