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Messages - onehotspud

Pages: [1]
Possible route issue?

Run trace routes to see where packets are going.

Watch for rogue devices with the same IP as the Cisco. We had a phone that had constant audio problems and it was a Netgear firewall/router with the same IP as the gateway. The phone was behind the Netgear. Once it was removed, the phone worked great. But this could be true of any device on the network with the same IP.

Check IP settings on the phone to make sure they are correct.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Database Restore Method
« on: October 01, 2017, 08:57:39 AM »
I got this done. I would like to know what process others use to restore databases. I was failing by trying to delete everything out of the system prior to restoring.

I tried one restore, which failed but it created the voice processor apps and mailboxes. I then did another restore and everything took. After that, I was able to restore mailbox greetings, messages, and audiotex recordings.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Database Restore Method
« on: September 26, 2017, 10:54:40 PM »
I'm having trouble restoring a configured database to a defaulted system. I have had trouble with this in the past and the solution has been deleting the 1000 and two SL devices or uploading the license. But I have verified that both of these have been checked and are set correctly.

I have a database that I upgraded from 3.2 to 6.2 using the admin software. It looks good and tests good. When I try to restore it to the system, it does not restore. It goes through the process and the system reboots. But when I log in to the system, I still have a (mostly) default database. The exception being the VM applications and mailboxes are restored.

What is the proper way to restore a database to a defaulted system?

BTW, this is a side job for a non-profit which I am not being paid for. No SWA from Mitel and the other tech I work with does not have much experience with restoring databases on the 5000.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Mitel 3000 Question
« on: August 20, 2015, 09:48:23 AM »
I know it's a month later, but do you still need help?

I would cross connect line 3 to the phone system and fax machine, then set the phone system line 3 to outgoing calls only.

Ok.. I found a solution and here is what I did:

The result: 4 phones ring, 1 general voice mail box receives unanswered calls, all 4 phones get notification of messages.

The how: I created a phantom extension with a DEE user. I added the 4 phones as various destinations (Desk, Desk 2, Softphone, and Softphone 2). I turned on OLM to change the softphone destinations since all the extensions I'm setting up are 53xx phones and are not actual softphones.

It's good to know that I'm not missing anything. :)

They have 4 users that are on call with IP phones and it changes daily. They want the calls to go to that users voice mail if it is not answered (or any voice mail, but they need notification on the phones).

I am considering setting up DEE to ring all the phones and then drop into 1 generic mailbox. I have set this up in the past for 2 phones and each phone will get the message waiting notification. I don't know if this will work for 4 phones. I'm able to program additional extensions with the MWI turned on if I am using OLM.

I am struggling with this and I know it's going to be something simple (either extension or system flag).. but I can not figure it out.

The short story is if I have a phone set to forward all calls to another extension, the call will not follow the forwarding path of the receiving extension.

This is true for internal and external calls. Calling the receiving extension directly will hit the path.

What am I missing?

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