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Messages - Nerdface Killah

Pages: [1]
We've got a bunch of 5330 Mitel phones and two satellite offices across the sea.  We have a T1 so 1.5 to our satellite offices but it also carries our Internet connection and phones in our office.  We're seeing 140ms ping times through an OpenVPN server on consumer grade routers with DD-WRT upgraded firmware.  This was recommended by our phone company.  Don't shoot the messenger.  We're seeing about 70ms ping times to our other satellite locations.  The 140ms ping times is constantly seeing dropped calls, warning that low bandwidth on the lcd of his phone, dead air is how they explain it and just poor sound quality.  I've been reading some past threads and it appears that the Mitel phones are very sensitive to latency.  Is this the case even through a VPN?  Is there recommended hardware as far as routers go that should be able to handle the connections?

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