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Messages - trepetti

Pages: [1]
Found it !!!!!

I have a situation I am investigating and I need to know where I can get a log of outgoing calls made from out Mitel 5000.  I am in the middle of gathering a lot of information and might have simply missed it on either the DB Programing or Web interface.  Could someone tell me where the log is stored and/or what menu selections I use to get to it?


MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Stop some extensions from ringing
« on: January 25, 2015, 10:02:44 PM »
I recently started working for a company that had a Mitel 5000 system that was setup without much guidance from the users and now I need to make some changes.  It has been a long time since I  was involved in programming a phone system, so I need to take it slow.

the installation consists of 3 larger phones (5300) and the rest the smaller models.  Right now all 3 5300s ring on incoming calls and I want to remove 2 from that list.  Can someone tell me where I will find the config options that control the phones that ring on incoming?


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